加州大学河滨分校殷亚东教授(科大9212校友)将于 7 月 1 日下午 4 点在 东区 第 一 教学楼 1101 教室 做题为“Unconventional Routes to Colloidal NanostructuresUnconventional Routes to Colloidal Nanostructures”的学术报告。
Colloidal nanostructures have been in the focus of research interest for decades due to their unique chemical and physical properties that can be tuned by controlling their size, shape, surface, and special arrangement. This talk will cover a number of unconventional routes toward controlled synthesis of nanostructures, including seeded growth and its combination with soft and hard templates for growing metal nanocrystals, and the use of nanoscale Kirkendall effect or other conversion chemistry for the creation of metal or compound nanostructures.

Prof. Yadong Yin (殷亚东)
Associate editor of the Journal of Materials Chemistry C Department of Chemistry, University of California, Riverside
Prof. Yadong Yin received his B.S. (1996) and M.S. (1998) in Applied Chemistry from the University of Science and Technology of China (with Prof. Zhicheng Zhang), and PhD (2002) from the University of Washington, Seattle (with Prof. Younan Xia). After being a postdoc fellow at the University of California, Berkeley under the supervision of Prof. A. Paul Alivisatos, he joined the faculty at the Department of Chemistry, University of California, Riverside in 2006. His research interest focuses on the synthesis, self-assembly, and functionalization of nanostructured materials for catalytic, analytical, and photonic applications. His recent recognitions include Cottrell Scholar Award (2009), DuPont Young Professor Grant (2010), 3M Nontenured Faculty Grant (2010), NSF CAREER award (2010), and NML Researcher Award (2016).