德国汉堡大学 Patrick Theato 教授将于2016年7月6日 上午10:00在环资楼939会议室做学术报告,报告题目为:Synthetic Routes to Simplifying Molecular Complexity。
Synthetic Routes to Simplifying Molecular Complexity
Patrick Théato*
University of Hamburg, Institute for Technical and Macromolecular Chemistry,
Bundesstrasse 45, D-20146 Hamburg, Germany
Email: theato@chemie.uni-hamburg.de
Patrick Théato*
University of Hamburg, Institute for Technical and Macromolecular Chemistry,
Bundesstrasse 45, D-20146 Hamburg, Germany
Email: theato@chemie.uni-hamburg.de
Incredible progress has been made in synthetic polymer chemistry to control the polymer chain length, structure and architecture via controlled living polymerization reactions as well as functionalization chemistries. The development in this field is still very intense and dynamic, leading to an ever-increasing molecular complexity.
However, this increasing complexity on the molecular level demands for highly advanced specialists because only they possess the skillset to synthesize such chemical structures. This clearly limits or slows down the advancement to new scientific areas. Hence, we have addressed this challenge by developing over the years simple synthetic routes, while maintaining a molecular complexity, thereby providing the synthetic tools for many scientists to prepare highly functional polymer materials with unprecedented molecular precision.
Thinking outside the box in polymer synthesis and processing can lead to new and promising approaches that enable precision materials ranging from the area of smart materials to energy storage. Synthetic routes, possibilities, remaining challenges and opportunities will be discussed.

Prof. Dr. Patrick Théato
Department: Institute for Technical and Macromolecular Chemistry, University of Hamburg
Address: Bundesstraße 45, D-20146 Hamburg, Germany
Telephone: +49 4042838 6009 (office); +49 4042838 6008 (fax)
E-mail: theato@chemie.uni-hamburg.de
Website: www.theato.net
Education Background
1998 - 2001 Dr. rer. nat. in Chemistry, Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz
1993 - 1998 Diploma in Chemistry, Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz
1992 - 1993 professional training „staatlich geprüfter chemisch-technischer Assistant (CTA)“
2014, 2015 Visiting Professor at Donghua University, Shanghai, China
since 2013 Adjunct Professor at Seoul National University, Korea
2012 Visiting Professor at Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, and Hokkaido University, Japan
since 2011 Tenured Associate Professorship, Universität Hamburg, Germany
2011 Prize Senior Lecturer, University of Sheffield, UK
2009 - 2013 Associate Professor, Seoul National University as part of the World Class University Initiative
2004 - 2010 Akademischer Rat (A13), Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany
2003 - 2007 Habilitation at University of Mainz, Institute of organic chemistry, Germany
2003 Research visit, Stanford University, USA
2002 - 2003 Feodor Lynen Research Postdoctoral Fellowship, Seoul National University, Korea.
Academic Offices
since 2013 Head of examination committee of department of chemistry
since 2013 Member of „Zentraler Ausschuss für Nachwuchsförderung“
since 2013 Member of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences (MIN) Faculty Council
since 2012 Head of the Institute for Technical and Macromolecular Chemistry
2007 - 2011 Vice-spokesman of the international research and training group (IRTG) of SNU & Mainz
since 2003 Initiator and program delegate of an International Study and Training Partnership (ISAP by DAAD) with Seoul National University, Korea
Awards & Boards
since 2016 Advisory Board Member of Materials Chemistry Frontiers
since 2015 Vice Chair of IUPAC Subcommittee on Polymer Education
2015 GCCCD Excellent PhD Supervisor Award
since 2015 Editorial Board Member of Advances in Polymer Science
since 2014 Editorial Board Member of Biomaterials Research
since 2014 International Advisory Board Member of Macromolecular Rapid Communication and Macromolecular Chemistry & Physics
2011 – 2013 Editorial Advisory Board Member of Macromolecules
since 2009 International Advisory Board Member of Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
since 2009 Editorial Board Member of Journal of Macromolecular Science Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry
since 2009 Editorial Board Member of Polymers
2002 Award for excellent studies, ministry for culture, excellent teaching and research, Luxembourg
2002 Feodor Lynen scholarship of the Alexander von Humboldt foundation
1996 DAAD scholarship
Selected Publications
> 210 publications in ISI journals with over 5600 citations (h-index=45, i10-index=110). Editor of three books. Full list can be found at http://www.chemie.uni-hamburg.de/tmc/theato/publikationen/index.html
1. Theato, P.*; Ungar, G. Nature Materials 2012, 11, 16–17.
2. Chung, W. J.; Griebel, J. J.; Kim, E. T.; Yoon, H.; Simmonds, A. G.; Ji, H. J.; Dirlam, P. T.; Glass, R. S.; Wie, J. J.; Nguyen, N. A.; Guralnick, B. W.; Park, J.; Somogyi, Á.; Theato, P.; Mackay, M. E.; Sung, Y.-E.; Char, K.; Pyun, J. Nature Chemistry 2013, 5, 518-524.
3. Theato, P.* Angewandte Chemie, International Edition 2011, 50, 5804-5806.
4. Zhao, H.; Gu, W.; Sterner, E.; Russell, T.P.; E Coughlin, E.B.; Theato, P.* Macromolecules 2011, 44, 6433.
5. Theato, P.* J. Polym. Sci. A: Polym. Chem. 2008, 46, 6677.
6. Das, A.; Theato, P.* Chem. Rev. 2016, 116, 1434–1495.
Department: Institute for Technical and Macromolecular Chemistry, University of Hamburg
Address: Bundesstraße 45, D-20146 Hamburg, Germany
Telephone: +49 4042838 6009 (office); +49 4042838 6008 (fax)
E-mail: theato@chemie.uni-hamburg.de
Website: www.theato.net
Education Background
1998 - 2001 Dr. rer. nat. in Chemistry, Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz
1993 - 1998 Diploma in Chemistry, Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz
1992 - 1993 professional training „staatlich geprüfter chemisch-technischer Assistant (CTA)“
2014, 2015 Visiting Professor at Donghua University, Shanghai, China
since 2013 Adjunct Professor at Seoul National University, Korea
2012 Visiting Professor at Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, and Hokkaido University, Japan
since 2011 Tenured Associate Professorship, Universität Hamburg, Germany
2011 Prize Senior Lecturer, University of Sheffield, UK
2009 - 2013 Associate Professor, Seoul National University as part of the World Class University Initiative
2004 - 2010 Akademischer Rat (A13), Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany
2003 - 2007 Habilitation at University of Mainz, Institute of organic chemistry, Germany
2003 Research visit, Stanford University, USA
2002 - 2003 Feodor Lynen Research Postdoctoral Fellowship, Seoul National University, Korea.
Academic Offices
since 2013 Head of examination committee of department of chemistry
since 2013 Member of „Zentraler Ausschuss für Nachwuchsförderung“
since 2013 Member of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences (MIN) Faculty Council
since 2012 Head of the Institute for Technical and Macromolecular Chemistry
2007 - 2011 Vice-spokesman of the international research and training group (IRTG) of SNU & Mainz
since 2003 Initiator and program delegate of an International Study and Training Partnership (ISAP by DAAD) with Seoul National University, Korea
Awards & Boards
since 2016 Advisory Board Member of Materials Chemistry Frontiers
since 2015 Vice Chair of IUPAC Subcommittee on Polymer Education
2015 GCCCD Excellent PhD Supervisor Award
since 2015 Editorial Board Member of Advances in Polymer Science
since 2014 Editorial Board Member of Biomaterials Research
since 2014 International Advisory Board Member of Macromolecular Rapid Communication and Macromolecular Chemistry & Physics
2011 – 2013 Editorial Advisory Board Member of Macromolecules
since 2009 International Advisory Board Member of Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
since 2009 Editorial Board Member of Journal of Macromolecular Science Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry
since 2009 Editorial Board Member of Polymers
2002 Award for excellent studies, ministry for culture, excellent teaching and research, Luxembourg
2002 Feodor Lynen scholarship of the Alexander von Humboldt foundation
1996 DAAD scholarship
Selected Publications
> 210 publications in ISI journals with over 5600 citations (h-index=45, i10-index=110). Editor of three books. Full list can be found at http://www.chemie.uni-hamburg.de/tmc/theato/publikationen/index.html
1. Theato, P.*; Ungar, G. Nature Materials 2012, 11, 16–17.
2. Chung, W. J.; Griebel, J. J.; Kim, E. T.; Yoon, H.; Simmonds, A. G.; Ji, H. J.; Dirlam, P. T.; Glass, R. S.; Wie, J. J.; Nguyen, N. A.; Guralnick, B. W.; Park, J.; Somogyi, Á.; Theato, P.; Mackay, M. E.; Sung, Y.-E.; Char, K.; Pyun, J. Nature Chemistry 2013, 5, 518-524.
3. Theato, P.* Angewandte Chemie, International Edition 2011, 50, 5804-5806.
4. Zhao, H.; Gu, W.; Sterner, E.; Russell, T.P.; E Coughlin, E.B.; Theato, P.* Macromolecules 2011, 44, 6433.
5. Theato, P.* J. Polym. Sci. A: Polym. Chem. 2008, 46, 6677.
6. Das, A.; Theato, P.* Chem. Rev. 2016, 116, 1434–1495.
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