报告人 和单位 |
Prof. Jean-François Lutz Precision Macromolecular Chemistry, Institut Charles Sadron, Strasbourg, France |
报告题目 |
Unnatural Information-containing Macromolecules |
报告时间 |
2015年10月23日 (星期五) 上午10:00 |
报告地点 |
环境资源楼939会议室 |
报告摘要 |
Information-containing macromolecules are polymers that contain a message encrypted in their comonomer sequences. The archetypal example of such a polymer is DNA, which is used in biology to store genetic information.[1] However, DNA is certainly not the only polymer that can contain molecular information.[2] In principle, a string of information can be created in any copolymer using two comonomers defined intentionally as 0-bit and 1-bit (Figure 1). However, such polymers have to be monodisperse and perfectly sequence-defined. In addition, the message encoded in their chains should be easily read.
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