发布人: 发布时间:2015-03-23 浏览次数:52
加拿大McMaster University朱世平教授将于3月24日(周二)上午10:00在939会议室做学术报告,报告题目为“Polymer Reaction Engineering for Advanced Materials”。

Polymer Reaction Engineering for Advanced Materials

Shiping Zhu(朱世平), McMaster University, Canada

The human race is now living in the “Materials World”. Humanity currently consumes more polymeric materials than all other types of synthetic materials combined. Polymers are chain molecules and their materials properties are determined to a large extent by their chain microstructure properties. Presented in this seminar are a chemical engineer’s point of view on advanced polymer materials and several research examples that include: (1) high-strength polyethylene fibers made by nano-extrusion polymerization; (2) long chain branched polyethylene that offers good combination of melt strength and processability; (3) semi-batch reactor technology for controlled gradient copolymers; (4) re-dispersible polymer latexes based on CO2/N2 switchable surfactant and comonomer; (5) polymer grafting for non-biofouling materials; and (6) large-area long-range nanochannels and nanowires by a novel “cutting-edge” technology.



朱教授2000年获加拿大安大略“总理研究优秀奖”(PREA),04年获中国国家自然科学基金委“海外青年学者”合作研究基金,05年入选中国教育部“长江学者讲座教授”,11年获加拿大化学联合会“大分子科学与工程奖”(MSEA),12年入选中国中组部短期 “创新人才计划”。

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