发布人: 发布时间:2014-11-17 浏览次数:94


2001-2005 本科 中国科学技术大学
2005-2006 硕士 Clark University
2007-2010 博士 Iowa State University
2010-2013 博士后 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
2013-2014 高级工程师 HGST, a Western Digital company 材料研究所
2014至今 “人才计划”特聘研究员 浙江大学化学系



从事固体核磁共振和材料科学研究。研究领域包括高级核磁共振技术的开发应用,多孔材料和高分子材料的微观结构和物理性质等。研究工作曾在Science, JACS, Angewandte Chemie等杂志上发表。海外华人磁共振协会理事,伯克利中国能源论坛创始人。曾做为JACS, Macromolecules, APL, JAP等杂志审稿人。




固体核磁共振谱学技术开发 微型核磁共振仪器开发和应用 应用于新能源技术的多孔材料和高分子复合物的研究 天然产物的成分分析


   Solid State NMR for Characterizing Metal-organic Frameworks
Xueqian Kong 1, *
1 Department of Chemistry, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 310027
* Corresponding author’s email:

Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are an important class of porous materials that are endowed with large surface areas, controllable pore sizes and tunable surface chemistry. These desirable properties make them excellent candidates for gas adsorption applications, e.g. to capture CO2 and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Recent developments of MOFs are leading to breakthroughs in gas adsorption performance. Along with fast evolution of new MOF materials, solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) plays a crucial role in understanding the physical basis and guiding the material and process design. It is one of the most powerful characterization techniques for analyzing chemical structures, studying molecular dynamics, and microscopic morphologies. The presentation will demonstrate several examples of the unique applications of solid-state NMR for characterizing MOFs, including MOFs with multivariate linkers [1], CO2 dynamics in MOFs [2,3], and a miniaturized NMR for fast surface area screening [4].

(1) X. Kong, H. Deng, F. Yan, J. Kim, J. A. Swisher, B. Smit, O. M. Yaghi, J. A. Reimer, Science (2013) 341, 882
(2) L. Lin, J. Kim, X. Kong, E. Scott, T. McDonald, J. R. Long, J. A. Reimer, and B. Smit, Angewandte Chemie, International Edition (2013) 52, 4410
(3) X. Kong, E. Scott, W. Ding, J. A. Mason, J. R. Long, J. A. Reimer, Journal of American Chemical Society, (2012) 134, 14341
(4) J. Chen, X. Kong, K. Sumida, M. Manumpil, J. R. Long, J. A. Reimer, Angewandte Chemie, International Edition (2013) 52, 12043

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