Hongwei Duan教授学术报告(2012-06-18)
发布人: 发布时间:2012-06-19 浏览次数:90

Amphiphilic Nanocrystals: from Nanomaterials to Nanomedicine

Hongwei Duan

School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University


This talk will cover our recent development in surface engineering of functional nanocrystals with mixed polymer brushes and the major applications. We have found that the structural integration of nanocrystals with two types of chemically distinct polymer grafts, which are analogous to block copolymers as a whole, creates a new type of hybrid building blocks inheriting the amphiphilicity-driven self-assembly of block copolymers and the unique optical properties of the nanocrystals. The tandem “grafting to” and “grafting from” synthetic approach we developed allows for the fine control over the structural parameters of the amphiphilic nanocrystals. Our results have shown that amphiphilic nanocrystals hold great promise in a wide spectrum of applications such as bioimaging, drug delivery, and sensing.

Hongwei Duan, Ph.D.

School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Office Phone: (+65)65141019
Nanyang Technological University Fax: (+65)67911761
N1.3-B3-14, 70 Nanyang Drive Email:
Singapore 637457

2002-2005 Ph.D. degree at Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces,
Advisor: Prof. Helmuth Mowald
1999-2002 Department of Macromolecular Science, Fudan University, M.S. degree in Polymer
Chemistry and Physics, Advisor: Prof. Ming Jiang
1995-1999 Department of Chemistry, Fudan University, B.S. degree in Applied Chemistry

2009,9- Nanyang Assistant Professor, School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering,
Nanyang Technological University
2008-2009 Assistant professor-research track, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Emory
University and Georgia Institute of Technology
2005-2008 Postdoctoral research associate at Department of Biomedical Engineering, Emory
University and Georgia Institute of Technology, Advisor: Prof. Shuming Nie

A. Biomedical Nanotechnology
Plasmonic nanostructures for biosensing and bioimaging
Semiconductor quantum dots for live cell imaging and biomarker profiling
Multi-functional nanoparticles for integrated cancer imaging and therapy
Self-assembled nanostructures for disease-targeted drug/gene delivery
B. Nanomaterials Engineering
Hybrid nanomaterials for solar fuel applications
Graphene-nanocrystal composite-based on flexible electronics
Polymer-inorganic nanocrystal hybrid materials built upon supramolecular interactions
Functional films based on directed self-assembly of nanocrystals at oil/water interfaces
Fluorescent metal nanoclucters


42. Gao, H. C.; Xiao, F.; Ching, C. B.; Duan, H. W.* High-Performance Asymmetric Supercapacitor Based on Graphene Hydrogel and Nanotructured MnO2. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2012, 4, 2801-2810.
41. Gao, H. C.; Wang, Y. X.; Xiao, F.; Ching, C. B.; Duan, H. W.* Growth of Copper Nanocubes on Graphene Paper as Free-Standing Electrodes for Direct Hydrazine Fuel Cells. J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116, 7719-7725.
40. Xiao, F.; Li, Y. Q.; Zan, X. L.; Liao, K.; Xu. R.; Duan, H. W.* Growth of Metal-Metal Oxide
Nanostructures on Freestanding Graphene Paper for Flexible Biosensors. Adv. Funct. Mater.
2012, 22, 2487-2494.
39. Li, P.; Zhou, C.; Rayatpisheh, S.; Ye, K.; Poon, Y. F.; Hammond, P. T.; Duan, H. W.; Chan-Park, M. B.* Cationic Peptidopolysaccharides Show Excellent Broad-Spectrum Antimicrobial Activities and High Selectivity. Adv. Mater. 2012, in press.
38. Xiao, F.; Song, J. B.; Gao, H. C.; Zan, X. L.; Xu, R.; Duan, H. W.* Coating Graphene paper with 2D-Assembly of Electrocatalytic Nanoparticles: A Modular Approach toward High-Performance Flexible Electrodes. ACS Nano 2012, 6, 100-110.
37. Yuan, J. F.; Gao, H. C.; Sui, J. J.; Duan, H. W.; Chen, W. N.; Ching, C. B.* Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Oxidized Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene Oxide on Human Hepatoma HepG2 cells: An iTRAQ-Coupled 2D LC-MS/MS Proteome Analysis. Toxicol. Sci. 2012, 126, 149-161.
36. Yin, J.; Wu, T.; Song, J. B.; Zhang, Q.; Liu, S. Y.; Xu, R.; Duan, H. W.* SERS-Active Gold
Nanoparticles for Sensitive and Selective Detection of Cadmium Ions (Cd2+). Chem. Mater. 2011, 23, 4756-4764.
35. Cheng, L.; Song, J. B.; Yin, J.; Duan, H.* W. Self-Assembled Plasmonic Dimers of Amphiphilic Gold Nanocrystals. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2011, 2, 2258-2262.
34. Song, J. B.; Cheng, L.; Liu, A. P.; Yin, J.; Kuang, M.; Duan, H. W.* Plasmonic Vesicles of
Amphiphilic Gold Nanocrystals: Self-Assembly and External-Stimuli-Triggered Destruction. J. Am.
Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 10760-10763.
33. Xu. H. Y.; Aguilar, Z. P.; Yang, L.; Kuang, M.; Duan, H. W.; Xiong, Y. H.; Wei, H.; Wang, A. Y.*
Antibody conjugated magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for cancer cell separation in fresh whole
blood. Biomaterials 2011, 32, 9758-9765.
32. Jiang, S.; Liu, A. P; Duan, H. W.;* Soo, J. C.; Chen, P.* Labeling and Tracking P2 Purinergic
Receptors in Living Cells Using ATP Conjugated Quantum Dots. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2011, 21,
31. Gao, H. C.; Xiao, F.; Ching, C. B.; Duan, H. W.* One-Step Electrochemical Synthesis of PtNi
Nanoparticle-Graphene Nanocomposites for Nonenzymatic Amperometric Glucose Detection.
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2011, 3, 3049-3057.
30. Liu, A. P; Peng, S.; Soo, J. C.; Kuang, M.; Chen, P.; Duan, H. W.* Quantum Dots with
Phenylboronic Acid Tags for Specific Labeling of Sialic Acids on Living Cells, Anal. Chem. 2011,
83, 1124-1130.
29. Cheng, L.; Liu, A. P.; Peng, S.; Duan, H. W.* Responsive Plasmonic Assemblies of Amphiphilic Nanocrystals? ACS Nano 2010, 4, 6098-6104.
28. Duan, H. W.;* Kuang, M.; Wang, Y. A. Quantums Dots with Multivalent and Compact Polymer
Coatings for Effiecient Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer and Self-Assembled Biotagging. Chem. Mater. 2010, 22, 4372-4378.
Before 2009
27. Mohs, A.M.; Duan, H. W.; Kairdolf, B. A.; Smith, A. M.; Nie, S. M. Proton-Resistant Quantum Dots: Stability in Gastrointestinal Fluids and Implications for Oral Delivery of Nanoparticle Agents. Nano Res. 2009, 2, 500-508.
26. Chen, H. W.; Wu, X. Y.; Duan, H. W.; Y. Wang, Y. A.; Wang, L. Y.; Zhang, M. M.; Mao, H.
Biocompatible Polysiloxane-Containing Diblock Copolymer PEO-b-P gamma MPS for Coating
Magnetic Nanoparticles, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2009, 1, 2134-2140
25. Yang, L.; Mao, H. et al. Molecular Imaging of Pancreatic Cancer in an Animal Model Using
Targeted Multifunctional Nanoparticles. Gastroenterology, 2009, 136, 1514-1525.
24. Yang, L.; Mao, H. et al. Single Chain Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Antibody Conjugated
Nanoparticles for in vivo Tumor Targeting and Imaging. Small, 2009, 5, 235-243.
23. Duan, H. W.; Kuang, M.; Wang, X. X.; Wang, Y. A.; Mao, H.; Nie, S. M. Reexamining the Effects of Particle Size and Surface Chemistry on Magnetic Properties of Iron Oxide Nanocrystals: New Insights into Spin Disorder and Proton Relaxivity. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2008, 112, 8127-8131.
22. Smith, A. M.; Duan, H. W.; Mohs, A.M.; Nie, S. M. Bioconjugated Quantum Dots for In-Vivo
Molecular and Cellular Imaging? Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev., 2008, 60, 1226.
21. Shen, Y.; Kuang, M.; Shen, Z.; Nieberle, J.; Duan, H. W.;* Frey, H.* Thermosensitive
Hyperbranched Polyelectrolyte-Coated Gold Nanoparticles: Towards Smart Temperature- and pHNanosensors. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2008, 47, 2227.
20. Duan, H. W.; Nie, S. M. Cell Penetrating Quantum Dots Based on Multivalent and Endosome-
Disrupting Surface Coatings. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 3333.
19. Duan, H. W.; Nie, S. M. Etching Colloidal Gold Nanocrystals with Hyperbranched and Multivalent Polymers: A new Route to Fluorescent and Water-Soluble Atomic Clusters. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007 129, 2412.
18. Shen, Z.; Duan, H. W.;* Frey, H.* 揥ater-Soluble Fluorescent Ag-Nanoclusters Obtained from
Multi-Arm Star Poly(Acrylic Acid) as 揗olecular Hydrogel?Template? Adv. Mater. 2007, 19, 349.
17. Smith, A. M.; Duan, H. W.; Rhyner, M. N.; Ruan, G.; Nie, S. M. A Systematic Examination of
Surface Coatings on the Optical and Chemical Properties of Semiconducror Quantum Dots. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2006, 8, 3895.
16. Duan, H. W.; Kuang, M.; Zhang, G.; Wang, D. Y.; Kurth, D. G.; M鰄wald, H. pH-Responsive
Polymeric Nanocapsules by Templating Nanocrystals. Langmuir 2005, 21, 11495.
15. Wang, D. Y.; Duan, H. W.; M鰄wald, H. The Water/Oil Interface: the Emerging Horizon for Self-Assembly of Nanoparticles. Soft Matter 2005, 1, 412.
14. Duan, H. W.; Wang, D. Y.; Kurth, D. G.; M鰄wald, H. Magnetic Colloidosomes with Defined
Permeability Derived from Self-Assembly of Nanoparticles at Oil/Water Interfaces. Nano Lett.
2005, 5, 949.
13. Duan, H. W.; Kuang, M.; Wang, D. Y.; Kurth, D. G.; M鰄wald, H. Colloidally Stable and
Amphibious Nanocrystals Derived from Poly[(2-dimethyl amino)ethyl methacrylate] Capping.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2005, 43, 1717.
12. Duan, H. W.; Kuang, M.; Wang, D. Y.; Kurth, D. G.; M鰄wald, H. Directing Self-assembly of
Nanoparticles at Water/Oil Interfaces. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2004, 42, 5639.
11. Kuang, M.; Duan, H. W.; Wang, J.; Jiang, M. Structural Factors of Rigid-Coil Polymer Pairs
Influencing Their Self-Assembly in Common Solvent. J. Phys. Chem. B 2004, 108, 16023.
10. Wang, J.; Kuang, M.; Duan, H. W.; Chen, D. Y.; Jiang, M. pH- Dependent Multiple Morphologies of Novel Aggregates of Carboxyl- Terminated Polyimide in Water. Eur. Phys. J. E 2004, 15, 211.
9. Duan, H. W.; Kuang, M.; Wang, J.; Chen, D. Y.; Jiang, M. Self-Assembly of Rigid and Coil
Polymers into Hollow Spheres in Their Common Solvent. J. Phys. Chem. B 2004, 108, 550.
8. Gong, J.; Yao, P.; Duan, H. W.; Jiang, M.; Gu, S. H.; Chunyu, L. J. Structural Transformation of
Cytochrome c and Apo Cytochrome c Induced by Sulfonated Polystyrene. Biomacromolecules
2003, 4, 1293.
7. Jiang, M.; Duan, H. W.; Chen, D. Y. Macromolecular Assembly: From Irregular Aggregates to
Regular Nanostructures? Macromol. Symp. 2003, 195, 165.
6. Kuang, M.; Duan, H. W.; Wang, J.; Chen, D. Y.; Jiang, M. A Novel Approach to Polymeric Hollow Nanospheres with Stabilized Structures. Chem. Commun. 2003, 496.
5. Wang, M.; Jiang, M.; Ning, F. L.; Chen, D. Y.; Liu, S. Y.; Duan, H. W. Block-Copolymer-Free
Strategy for Preparing Micelles and Hollow Spheres: Self-assembly of Poly(4-vinyl pyridine) and
Modified Polystyrene. Macromolecules, 2002, 35, 5980.
4. Ning, F. L.; Jiang, M.; Mu, M. F.; Duan, H. W.; Xie, J. W. Synthesis of Amphiphilic Block-Graft
Copolymers [Poly(styrene-b-ethylene- co-butylene-b- styrene)-g-Poly(acrylic acid)] and Their
Aggregation in Water. J. Poly. Sci. Part A: Poly. Chem. 2002, 40, 1253.
3. Zhu, H.; Liu, S. Y.; Pan, Q. M.; Duan, H. W.; Jiang, M. Synthesis of Amphiphilic Block Copolymer Poly (styrene-b-acrylic acid) by Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization and Its Micellization Chem. J. Chinese U. 2002, 23, 138.
2. Duan, H. W.; Chen, D. Y.; Jiang, M.; Gan, W. J.; Li, S. J.; Wang, M.; Gong, J. Self-Assembly of
Unlike Homopolymers into Hollow Spheres in Non- selective Solvent? J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2001,
123, 12097.
1. Zhou, J. C.; Chen, S. M.; Duan, H. W.; Jiang, M.; Zhang, Y. X. Fluorocarbon Modified Nitroxide: A New Electron Spin Resonance Spin Probe for Micellization of Surfactants. Langmuir 2001, 17, 5685.