![]() | 汪峰理学博士 高分子科学与工程系 教授 Tel: +86-551-63606095 (Lab) E-mail: drfwang@ustc.edu.cn |
汪峰,男,1981年8月生,安徽安庆人。现为中国科学技术大学高分子科学与工程系教授,博士生导师。2003年本科毕业于合肥工业大学化工学院;2006年硕士毕业于浙江大学药学院;2009年毕业于浙江大学理学院,获理学博士学位,导师为黄飞鹤教授。2009年10月至2011年9月在荷兰埃因霍温理工大学从事博士后研究工作,师从于著名超分子化学家E.W.(Bert) Meijer教授。2011年底回国后在中国科学技术大学高分子科学与工程系工作。主要研究方向为超分子聚合物的设计、可控制备与功能化,迄今已在J.Am.Chem.Soc.,Angew.Chem. Int. Ed., Chem.Soc.Rev., Macromolecules等SCI期刊发表论文60余篇,论文多次被同行大段评述和引用,入选爱思唯尔“2014年中国高被引学者”榜单。获2011年全国优博论文提名,并入选中科院青促会会员。
1. 超分子聚合体系的理性设计与可控制备;
2. 超分子聚合机制研究;
3. 具有光电、催化等特性的超分子功能材料。
Y. Han, Y. Tian, Z. Li, F. Wang* “Donor–acceptor-type supramolecular polymers on the basis of preorganized molecular tweezers/guest complexation” Chem. Soc. Rev.2018, DOI: 10.1039/c7cs00802c.
X. Wang, Y. Han, Y. Liu, G. Zou*, Z. Gao, F. Wang* “Cooperative Supramolecular Polymerization of Fluorescent PlatinumAcetylides for Optical Waveguide Applications” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 12466.
Y. K. Tian, Y. Shi, Z. Yang, F. Wang* “Responsive Supramolecular Polymers Based on the Bis[alkynylplatinum(II)] Terpyridine Molecular Tweezer/Arene Recognition Motif” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2014, 53, 6090.
F. Wang, J. Zhang, X. Ding, S. Dong, M. Liu, B. Zheng, S. J. Li, H. W. Gibson, F. Huang “Metal Coordination Mediated Reversible Conversion between Linear and Cross-Linked Supramolecular Polymers” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2010, 49, 1090.
F. Wang, C. Han, C. He, J. Zhang, N. Li,F. Huang “Self-Sorting Organization of Two Heteroditopic Monomers to SupramolecularAlternating Copolymers” J. Am. Chem. Soc.2008, 130, 1125.
Z. Li, Y. Han, Z. Gao, F. Wang* “Supramolecular Engineering of Discrete Pt(II)---Pt(II) Interactions for Visible-Light Photocatalysis” ACS Catal.2017, 7, 4676.
Z. Gao, Z. Li, Z. Gao, F. Wang* “Supramolecular Alternate Donor‒Acceptor Copolymers Mediatedby Pt---Pt Metal–Metal Interactions and Their PhotocatalyticApplications” Nanoscale, 2018, DOI: 10.1039/C8NR03739F.
T. Fu, Z. Li, Z. Zhang, X. Zhang, F. Wang* “Supramolecular Cross-Linking and Gelation of ConjugatedPolycarbazoles via Hydrogen Bond Assisted Molecular Tweezer/Guest Complexation” Macromolecules, 2017, 50, 7157.
Y. Tian, Y. Han, Z. Yang, F. Wang* “Donor-Acceptor-Type Supramolecular Polymers Derived fromRobust yet Responsive Heterodimeric Tweezers” Macromolecules, 2016, 49, 6455.
L. Chen, Y. K. Tian, Y. Ding, Y. J. Tian, F. Wang* “Multistimuli Responsive Supramolecular Cross-Linked Networks Onthe Basis of the Benzo-21-Crown-7/Secondary Ammonium SaltRecognition Motif”Macromolecules,2012, 45, 8412.
Z. Gao,Y. Han,S. Chen, Z. Li,F. Wang* “Photoresponsive Supramolecular Polymer Networks via HydrogenBond Assisted Molecular Tweezer/Guest Complexation”ACS Macro Lett.2017, 6, 541.
Y. Shi, Z. Yang, H. Liu, Z. Li, Y. Tian, F. Wang* “Mechanically Linked Poly[2]rotaxanes Constructed via theHierarchical Self-Assembly Strategy” ACS Macro Lett.2015, 4, 6.
X. Zhang,L. Ao, Y. Han, Z. Gao, F. Wang* “Modulating Pt---Pt metal–metal interactionsthrough conformationally switchable moleculartweezer/guest complexation” Chem. Commun.2018, 54, 1754.
J. Chen, Z. Zhang,Z. Gao, Z. C. Gao, F. Wang* “Cooperative self-assembly and gelation oforganogold(I) complexes via hydrogen bondingand aurophilic Au---Au interactions” Chem. Commun.2017, 53, 1152.
Y. K. Tian,Z. S. Yang,X. Lv,R. S. Yao, F. Wang* “Construction of supramolecular hyperbranchedpolymers via the ‘tweezering directed self-assembly’ strategy” Chem. Commun.2014, 50, 9477.
Y. Ding, P. Wang, Y. K. Tian, Y. J. Tian, F. Wang* “Formation of stimuli-responsive supramolecular polymeric assemblies via orthogonal metal–ligand and host–guest interactions” Chem. Commun.2013, 49, 5951.
Y. J. Tian, E. W. Meijer, F. Wang* “Cooperative self-assembly of platinum(II) acetylidecomplexes” Chem. Commun., 2013, 49, 9197.
Y. J. Tian,E. T. Shi, Y. K. Tian, R. S. Yao, F. Wang* “Cooperative Complexation of Amino Acid Derivatives to Platinum Acetylide-Based Bolaamphiphile” Org. Lett.2014, 16, 3180.
Z. Li, Y. Han, Z. Gao, T. Fu, F. Wang* “Non-covalent molecular tweezer/guestcomplexation with Pt(II)…Pt(II) metal–metalinteractions: toward intelligent photocatalyticmaterials” Mater. Chem. Front.2018, 2, 76.
F. Wang, M. A. J. Gillissen, P. J. M. Stals, A. R. A. Palmans,E. W. Meijer “Hydrogen Bonding Directed Supramolecular Polymerisation ofOligo(Phenylene-Ethynylene)s: Cooperative Mechanism, Core SymmetryEffect and Chiral Amplification” Chem. Eur. J.,2012, 18, 11761.