发布人: 发布时间:2012-06-15 浏览次数:87


Protein designing and architecting: applications in surface biochemistry and protein labeling


2012年6月17日 (星期日) 上午10:00




Prof. Xia Jiang (夏江),香港中文大学化学系


报告摘要:Peptides and proteins are essentially polymers of amino acids. Notwithstanding that their structural diversity, properties and functions are markedly more profound than man-made polymers, peptides and proteins are highly maneuverable and engineerable. Based on the understanding of the chemistry of peptides and proteins, we have established a program to design, architect, and deploy peptides/proteins for various purposes. One direction is the study at protein-nanoparticle or protein-surface interface. Taking advantage of multivalency effect, we have designed dendrimeric peptides, and denderimer like bundled proteins, that stably functionalize the surface of nanoparticles. The other direction lies at the covalent yet site-specific protein labeling. We have shown that biomolecular recognition could induce a specific covalent bond formation between two peptides/proteins; the extension of this strategy generates multiple protein-assembling blocks that will find use in bioengineering.





Xia Jiang    Assistant Professor

1999 B.S. Nanjing University
2002 M.S. Nanjing University
2006 Ph.D.
Stanford University

Positions Held
2007 – 2008 Postdoctoral scholar, California Institute of Technology
2007 – 2008 Research Associate, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
2009 – present Assistant Professor, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

Research Interests

Physical biochemistry, bioorganic chemistry, and chemical biology

Representative Publications
1. Wang, J.†; Jiang, P.†; Han, Z.; Qiu, L.; Wang, C.; Zheng, Bo.; Xia, J.*
“Fast Self-assembly Kinetics of Quantum Dots and a Dendrimeric Peptide Ligand”
Langmuir, DOI: 10.1021/la301227r. (†equal contribution)
2. Wang, J.†; Jin, X.†; Liu, J.; Khosla, C.*; Xia, J. *
“Resolving multiple protein-peptide binding events: implication for HLA-DQ2 mediated antigen presentation in celiac disease”
Chemistry – An Asian Journal, 2012, 7, 992-999. (†equal contribution)
Featured in Chemistry Views:
3. Brown, J. M.†; Xia, J.†; Zhuang, B.; Cho, K-S.; Rogers, C. J.; Gama, C. I.; Rawat, M.; Tully, S.E.; Uetani, N.; Mason, D.; Tremblay, M. L.; Peter, E.C.; Habuchi, O.; Chen, D.F.; Hsieh-Wilson, L.C.
“A Sulfated Carbohydrate Epitope Inhibits Axon Regeneration After Injury”,
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 2012, 109, 4768-4773. (†equal contribution)
4. Wang, J.; Xia, J.*
“Capillary Electrophoretic Studies on Displacement and Proteolytic Cleavage of Surface Bound Oligohistidine Peptide on Quantum Dots”
Analytica Chimica Acta, 2012, 709, 120-127.
5. Wang, J.; Xia, J.*
“Preferential Binding of a Novel Polyhistidine Peptide Dendrimer Ligand on Quantum Dots Probed by Capillary Electrophoresis”
Analytical Chemistry, 2011, 83, 6323-9.
6. Wang, J.; Yue, Y.; Chen, G.; Xia, J.*
“Protease-Promoted Drug Delivery Using Peptide-Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles”
Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 7217-7222.
7. Luo, S.*; Ling, C.; Hu, X.; Liu, X.; Chen, S.; Han, M.; Xia, J. “Thermoresponsive unimolecular micelles with a hydrophobic dendritic core and a double hydrophilic block copolymer shell”
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2011, 353, 76-82.
8. Siegel, M.†; Xia, J.†; Khosla, C.
“Structure-based design of α-amido aldehyde containing gluten peptide analogues as modulators of HLA-DQ2 and transglutaminase 2”
Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2007, 15(18), 6253-61 (†equal contribution)
9. Xia, J.†; Bergseng, E.†; Siegel, M.; Fleckenstein, B.; Kim, C. Y.; Sollid, L.M.; Khosla, C.
"Cyclic and Dimeric Gluten Peptide Analogues to Inhibit DQ2-Mediated Antigen Presentation in Celiac Disease"
Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2007, 15(20), 6565-73. (†equal contribution)
10. Xia, J. ; Siegel, M.; Bergseng, E.; Sollid, L. M.; Khosla, C.
“Inhibition of HLA-DQ2 mediated antigen presentation by analogues of a high affinity 33-residue peptide from a2-Gliadin”
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2006, 128(6), 1859-67.
