Masaru Matsuo教授学术报告(04-20)
发布人: 发布时间:2012-04-19 浏览次数:34
Structures of high modulus and high strength polymer materials
evaluated by X-ray, positron annihilation, and 13C NMR

Masaru Matsuo (松尾胜)

大连理工大学高分子与材料系特聘教授 原日本奈良女子大学教授

时间:4 月20 日 下午16:00 地点:微尺度国家实验室9004 会议室
1968 年至1973 年期间在京都大学获得学士及Ph.D 学位
1) 辽宁省“友好奖”,中国(2011)
(Prof. Matsuo 在奈良女子大学仅为中国就培养了10 名女博士生)
2) The Paul J. Flory Polymer Research Prize (Polychar-17) , France (2009)
(On Pioneering work of gelation and crystallization)
3) The Award of the Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan (1990)
(On “High modulus and high strength fibers”)
Research subjects:
1) Molecular orientation of polymer films and fibers
2) The analysis of the mechanical and electric responses by the external
3) High modulus and high strength polymer materials as well as polymer
morphology by X-ray, positron annihilation, and 13C solid-state NMR
4) Small angle polarized light scattering and small angle X-ray scattering from
polymer films, liquid crystals and gels in terms of the experimental and
theoretical aspects
5) Gelation mechanism in terms of quasi-spinodal decomposition
6) Carbonization of polymer materials as precursors
7) Polymer composites with carbon nanotubes and carbon