01. “Supercritical water”
Y. Katsumura and M. Lin, in “Femtosecond Beam Science”, ed. M. Uesaka, Imperial College Press, printed in Sigapore by World Scientific Printers (S) Pte Ltd., p. 361-366(2005).(book section)
02. “A re-evaluation of the initial yield of the hydrated electron in the picosecond time range”
Y. Muroya, M. Lin, G. Wu, H. Iijima, K. Yoshii, T. Ueda, H. Kudo, and Y. Katsumura, Radiat. Phys. Chem., 72, 169-172(2005).
03. “The formation and the property of the radicals from melatonin under UV-light exposure: a photolysis study of melatonin with 248 nm laser.”
H. He, M. Lin, Z. Han, Y. Muroya, H. Kudo, and Y. Katsumura,Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 3, 1568-1574(2005).
04. “Temperature dependence of the solvated electron absorption spectra in propanediols”
I. Lampre, M. Lin, H. He, Z. Han, M. Mostafavi, and Y. Katsumura,Chem. Phys. Lett., 402, 192-196(2005).
05. “Temperature and pressure dependence of the absorption spectra and decay kinetics of solvated electrons in ethanol from 22 to 250 °C studied by pulse radiolysis”
Z. Han, Y. Katsumura, M. Lin, H. He, and Y. Muroya,Chem. Phys. Lett., 404, 267-271(2005).
06. “Pulse Radiolysis of 4,4′-Bipyridyl Aqueous Solutions at Elevated Temperatures: Spectral Properties and Reaction Kinetics up to 400 °C.”
M. Lin, Y. Katsumura, H. He, Y. Muroya, Z. Han, T. Miyazaki, and H. Kudo,J. Phys. Chem. A, 109, 2847-2854(2005).
07. “Current status of the ultra-fast pulse radiolysis system at NERL, the University of Tokyo”
Y. Muroya, M. Lin, H. Iijima, T. Ueda, and Y. Katsumura, Res. Chem. Intermed.,31(1-3), 261-272(2005).
08. “Technetium(IV) Oxide Colloids and the Precursor Produced by Bremsstrahlung Irradiation of Aqueous Pertechnetate Solution”
M. Zakir,T. Sekine,T. Takayama,H. Kudo, M. Lin,and Y. Katsumura,Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences, 6(3), 243-247(2005).
09. “g-Radiolysis of Benzophenone aqueous solution at elevated temperatures up to supercritical condition”
T. Miyazaki, Y. Katsumura, M. Lin, Y. Muroya, H. Kudo, M. Asano, and M. Yoshida, Radiat. Phys. Chem., 75, 218-228(2006).
10. “Radiolysis of phenol in aqueous solution at elevated temperatures”
T. Miyazaki, Y. Katsumura, M. Lin, Y. Muroya, H. Kudo, M. Taguchi, M. Asano, and Masaru Yoshida, Radiat. Phys. Chem., 75, 408-415(2006).
11. “A high temperature/pressure optical cell for absorption studies of supercritical fluids and its first application to laser photolysis of phenol aqueous solution up to 400 ºC”
M. Lin, Y. Katsumura, Y. Muroya, and H. He, Indian Journal of Radiation Research., 3, 69-77(2006).
12. “Time dependent radiolytic yields from picosecond to microsecond of the solvated electrons in 1,2-ethandiol, 1,2-propanediol and 1,3-propanediol”
M. Lin, M. Mostafavi, Y. Muroya, Z. Han, I. Lampre, and Y. Katsumura, J. Phys. Chem. A. 110, 11404-11410(2006).
13. “Time dependent radiolytic yields at room temperature and temperature dependent absorption spectra of the solvated electrons in polyols”
M. Lin, M. Mostafavi, Y. Muroya, I. Lampre, and Y. Katsumura, Nuclear Science and Techniques, 18, 2-9(2007).
14. “Temperature effect on the absorption spectra of the hydrated electron paired with non reactive metal cations in deuterated water”
M. Lin, Y. Kumagai, I. Lampre, M. Mostafavi, F.X. Coudert, Y. Muroya, A. Boutin, and Y. Katsumura, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A.111, 3548-3553(2007).
15. “Pulse radiolysis study on free radical scavenger edaravone (3-methyl-1-phenyl-2-pyrazolin-5-one)”
M. Lin, Y. Katsumura, K. Hata, Y. Muroya, and K. Nakagawa, J. Photochem. Photobio B: Biology, 89(1), 36-43(2007).
16. “Photo- and radiation induced reactions of melatonin by laser photolysis and pulse radioloysis”
M. Lin, H. He, and Y. Katsumura, in “Melatonin: from Molecules to Therapy”, (Chapter 22), eds. S. R. Pandi-Perumal (Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, USA) and Daniel P. Cardinali (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina), Nova Publishers pp.369-385 (2007).ISBN: 978-1600211218. (https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/ product_info.php?products_id=4374&osCsid=f3311f160c407d9118410b46d437cc65)
(book chapter)
17. “Effect of temperature on the absorption spectra of the solvated electron in 1-propanol and 2-propanol: Pulse radiolysis and laser photolysis studies at temperatures up to supercritical condition”
Z. Han, Y. Katsumura, M. Lin, H. He, Y. Muroya, and H. Kudo, Radiat. Phys. Chem. 77, 409-415(2008).
18. “Water radiolysis with heavy ions having energies up to 28 GeV: 1. Measurements of primary g values as track segment yields”
S. Yamashita, Y. Katsumura, M. Lin, Y. Muroya, T. Miyazaki, and T. Murakami, Radiat. Phys. Chem. 77, 439-446(2008).
19. “Pulse radiolysis of sodium formate aqueous solution up to 400 ºC: Absorption spectra, kinetics and yield of carboxyl radical CO2·-”
M. Lin, Y. Katsumura, Y. Muroya, H. He, T. Miyazaki, and D. Hiroishi, Radiat. Phys. Chem. 77, 1208-1212(2008).
20. “Temperature effect on the absorption spectrum of the hydrated electron paired with a metallic cation in deuterated water”
Y. Kumagai, M. Lin, I. Lampre, M. Mostafavi, Y. Muroya, and Y. Katsumura, Radiat. Phys. Chem. 77, 1198-1202(2008).
21. “Laser photolysis and pulse radiolysis studies on Silybin in ethanol solutions”
H. Fu, Y. Kutsumura, M. Lin, and Y. Muroya, Radiat. Phys. Chem. 77, 1300-1305(2008).
22. “Ultra-fast pulse radiolysis: A review of the recent system progress and its application to study on initial yields and solvation processes of solvated electrons in various kinds of alcohols”,
Y. Muroya, M. Lin, Z. Han, Y. Kumagai, A. Sakumi, T. Ueda, and Y. Katsumura, Radiat. Phys. Chem. 77, 1176-1182(2008).
23. “Water radiolysis with heavy ions of energies up to 28 GeV. 2. Extension of primary yield measurements to very high LET values”
S. Yamashita, Y. Katsumura, M. Lin, Y. Muroya, T. Maeyama, and T. Murakami, Radiat. Phys. Chem. 77, 1224-1229(2008).
24. “ASR2007—International symposium on ‘Charged Particle and PhotonInteractions with Matter’, November 6– 9, 2007: Preface”
Y. Katsumura, M. Lin, A. Yokoya, Y. Hatano, Radiat. Phys. Chem. 77, 1119(2008).
25. “Water radiolysis with heavy ions having energies up to 28 GeV: 3. Measurements of G(MV+) in MV/formate solutions and Monte-Carlo simulations”
S. Yamashita, Y. Katsumura, M. Lin, Y. Muroya, T. Miyazaki, T. Murakami, J. Meesungneon, and J.P. Jay-Gerin, Radiation Research. 170, 521-533(2008).
26. “Fast repair activities towards dGMP hydroxyl radical adducts by silybin and its analogues”
H. Fu, Y. Kutsumura, M. Lin, K. Hata, Y. Muroya, and Y. Hatano, J. Radiat. Research. 49, 609-614(2008).
27. “Effect of water density on the absorption maximum of hydrated electrons in sub- and supercritical water up to 400 °C”
J.P. Jay-Gerin, M. Lin, Yosuke Katsumura, H.He, Y. Muroya, and J. Meesungnoen, J. Chem. Phys. 129, 114511(2008).
28. “Free radicals scavenging properties and protection DNA against radiation damage by carnosineandanserine”
H. Fu, Y. Kutsumura, M. Lin, K. Hata, Y. Muroya,K. Fujii, A. Yokoya and Y. Hatano, Radiat. Phys. Chem. 78, 1192-1197(2009).
29. “Free radical scavenging reactions and antioxidant activities of silybin: Mechanistic aspects and pulse radiolytic studies”
H. Fu, M. Lin, Y. Muroya,K. Hata, Y. Kutsumura,A. Yokoya, N. Shikazono, and Y. Hatano, Free Radical Research. 43(9), 887 – 897(2009).
30. “Pulse radiolysis studies on the temperature dependent spectrum and the time dependent yield of solvated electron in propane-1,2,3-triol”
M. Lin, H. Fu, I. Lampre, V. de Waele, Y. Muroya, Y. Yan, S. Yamashita, Y. Katsumura, M. Mostafavi, J. Phys. Chem. A 113, 12193-12198(2009).DOI: 10.1021/jp905199d
31. “Current Understanding on Radiation Chemistry of High Temperature and Supercritical Water”,
M. Lin, Y. Katsumura, Y. Muroya, S. Yamashita, Proceedings of Symposium on Water Chemistry and Corrosion in Nuclear Power Plants in Asia 2009, Mielparque-Nagoya, Oct. 28-30, 2009, p.66-70. CD-ROM.
32. “Pulse Radiolysis Study on Reaction Kinetics and pKa Value of Hydroxyl Radical at High Temperatures”,
Y. Muroya, H. Takahashi, Y. Katsumura, M. Lin, Y. Kumagai, H. Kudo, Proceedings of Symposium on Water Chemistry and Corrosion in Nuclear Power Plants in Asia 2009, Mielparque-Nagoya, Oct. 28-30, 2009, p.71-75. CD-ROM.
33. “Radiolysis of Supercritical Fluids”
M. Lin, Y. Muroya, G. Baldacchino, and Y. Katsumura, in “Recent Trends in Radiation Chemistry”, eds. J.F. Wishart and M. Rao, World Scientific Publishing Company, p.255-277, 2010.ISBN-10: 9814282073; ISBN-13: 978-9814282079 (book chapter) http://www.worldscibooks.com/chemistry/7413.html
34. “Ultrafast Pulse Radiolysis”
J. Belloni, R. A. Crowell, Y. Katsumura, M. Lin, J.-L. Marignier, M. Mostafavi,Y. Muroya, A. Saeki, S. Tagawa, Y. Yoshida,V.de Waele, and J. F. Wishart, in “Recent Trends in Radiation Chemistry”, eds. J.F. Wishart and M. Rao, World Scientific Publishing Company, p.121-160, 2010.ISBN-10: 9814282073; ISBN-13: 978-9814282079. (book chapter)
35. “First Observation of Picoseconds Kinetics of Hydrated Electrons in Supercritical Water”,
Y. Muroya,M. Lin, V.de Waele,Y. Hatano, Y. Katsumura, M. Mostafavi, J. Phys. Chem. Letters 1, 331-335(2010).
36. “Protective effects of silybin and analogues against X-ray radiation-induced damage”,
H. Fu, M. Lin, Y. Katsumura, A. Yokoya, K. Hata , Y. Muroya, K. Fujii, and Naoya Shikazono, Acta Biochimica Biophysica Sinica, 42, 489-495(2010).
37. “Solvated electrons at elevated temperatures in different alcohols: temperature and molecular structure effects”
Y.Yan,M.Lin,Y.Katsumura,H. Fu, and Y.Muroya, Radiat. Phys. Chem. 79(12), 1234-1239(2010).
38. “Temperature and density effects on the absorption maximum of solvated electrons in sub- and supercritical methanol”,
Y. Yan,M. Lin,Y. Katsumura, Y. Muroya, S. Yamashita, K. Hata, J. Meesungnoen, and J.-P. Jay-Gerin, Can. J. Chem., 88(12), 1026-1033(2010).
39. “Pulse radiolysis study on free radical scavenger edaravone (3-methyl-1-phenyl-2-pyrazolin-5-one) 2: A comparative study on edaravone derivatives”
K. Hata, M. Lin, Y. Katsumura, Y. Muroya, H. Fu, S. Yamashita, and H. Nakagawa, J. Radiat. Res. 52, 18-25(2011).doi:10.1269/jrr.10060
40. “Radiation Chemistry of High Temperature and Supercritical Water and Alcohols”, M. Lin,Y. Katsumura,in “Charged Particle and Photon Interactions with Matter: Recent Advances, Applications, and Interfaces”, eds. Y. Hatano, Y. Katsumura, and A. Mozumder, Taylor and Francis Group, 2010, pp.401-424. ISBN-10: 1439811776; ISBN-13: 978-1439811771
41. “Radiolysis studies of aqueous kappa-carrageenan”,
L. V.Abad, H.Kudo, S. Saiki, N. Nagasawa, M. Tamada, H. Fu, Y. Muroya, M. Lin, Y. Katsumura, L. S. Relleve, C. T. Aranilla, A. M.DeLaRosa, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 2010, 268, (10), 1607-1612.
42. “Monte-Carlo simulation of the low-LET radiolysis of liquid water over the range 25 to 350 °C”
S. Sanguanmith, Y. Muroya, J. Meesungnoen, M. Lin, Y. Katsumura, L. Mirsaleh Kohan, D.A. Guzonas, C.R. Stuart, and J.-P. Jay-Gerin, Proceedings of the 5th Int. Sym. SCWR (ISSCWR-5), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, March 13-16, 2011. P091 (13 pages); ISBN: 978-1-926773-02-5.
43. “Reaction of Hydrated Electron with 3-Nitrotyrosine: A Pulse Radiolysis Study”
W. Shi, H. Fu, Y. Muroya, M. Lin, and Y. Katsumura, Radiat. Res. in press.
44. “Temperature Dependent of Br-, Br2-. and Br3- Absorption Spectra in Aqueous Solutions”
M. Lin, P. Archirel, N. T. Van-Oanh, Y. Muroya, H. Fu, Y. Yan, R. Nagaishi, Y. Kumagai, Y. Katsumura, M. Mostafavi, J. Phys. Chem. A, 115, 4241-4247(2011).
45. “Utilization of the Fricke dosimeter for evaluating the time of spur expansion in the low-LET high-temperature radiolysis of water up to 350°C: A Monte-Carlo simulation study”
S. Sanguanmith, Y. Muroya, T. Tippayamontri, J. Meesungnoen, M. Lin, Y. Katsumura, J-P. Jay-Gerin, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 13, 10690-10698(2011).
46. “Low-linear energy transfer radiolysis of liquid water at elevated temperatures up to 350°C: Monte-Carlo simulations”
S. Sanguanmith, Y. Muroya, J. Meesungnoen, M. Lin, Y. Katsumura, L. Mirsaleh Kohan, D.A. Guzonas, C.R. Stuart, and J.-P. Jay-Gerin, Chem. Phys. Lett. 508, 224-230(2011).
47. “Free radical scavenging reactions and antioxidant activity of silybin and its analogues: A Comparative Study”
H. Fu, M. Lin, Y. Katsumura, Y. Muroya, K. Hata, International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, in press.
48. “One-electron Oxidation of 3-Nitrotyrosine: A Pulse Radiolysis Study and Covalent Dimer Identification by Mass Spectrometry”
W. Shi, H. Fu, M. Lin, Y. Muroya, Y. Katsumura, Y. Zhao, and Z. Chai, Free Radical Research, peer reviewed.
49. “Pulse radiolysis studies of intermolecular charge transfers involving tryptophan and three-electron-bonded intermediates derived from methionine”
H. Fu, M. Lin, Y. Muroya, and Y. Katsumura, Research on Chemical Intermediates, in press.
50. “•OH-yield determination in water radiolysis by using a fluorescent probe. Chemical mechanism, LET and time dependence”
G. Baldacchino, S. Yamashita, T. Maeyama, M. Taguchi, Y. Muroya, A. Kimura, M. Lin, T. Murakami, Y. Katsumura, submitted.
51. “A New Mechanism for the Bimolecular Reaction of Two Hydrated Electrons, Which Explains Most Apparent Anomalies in the Production of H2 in the Radiolysis of Water”
Y. Muroya, J. Meesungnoen, S. Sanguanmith, M. Lin, Y. Katsumura, J-P. Jay-Gerin, submitted
52. “不均一系の放射線化学反応に関する先端基礎研究”, 勝村庸介、工藤久明、室屋裕佐、林銘章、韓鎮輝、山田禮治、永石隆二,JAEA-Review 2007-049平成18年度黎明研究研究成果報告書集
53. 端邦樹、笹野仲史、林銘章、勝村庸介,“治療用放射線防護剤– 反応性と防護作用の解明”,in「放射線治療と医学物理」,eds. 上坂充など,養賢堂. In press.
International conferences(2005~)
01. “Pulse radiolysis of 4,4'-bipyridyl aqueous solutions in supercritical water: Estimation of G value of hydrated electrons up to 450 ºC”,
〇M. Lin, Y. Katsumura, H. He, Y. Muroya, Z. Han, T. Miyazaki, and H. Kudo, 24rd Miller Conference on Radiation Chemistry, Agelonde Conference Centre, La Londe les Maures, France, 10-15 September, 2005, P-35.
02. “Temperature and pressure dependence of decay kinetics and yield of solvated electron in methanol from room temperature to supercritical condition by pulse radiolysis”,
〇Z. Han, Y. Katsumura, M. Lin, H. He, Y. Muroya, and H. Kudo, 24rd Miller Conference on Radiation Chemistry, Agelonde Conference Centre, La Londe les Maures, France, 10-15 September, 2005, P-25.
03. “Ultrafast pulse radiolysis studies on initial yields of solvated electrons in alcohols”, 〇Y. Muroya, M. Lin, Z. Han, T. Ueda, A. Sakumi, and Y. Katsumura, 24rd Miller Conference on Radiation Chemistry, Agelonde Conference Centre, La Londe les Maures, France, 10-15 September, 2005, P-45.
04.“On G values of water decomposition products in supercritical water: temperature and density effects”,
〇M. Lin, Y. Katsumura, Y. Muroya, et al. Gordon Research Conference on Radiation Chemistry, Colby College, Waterville, Maine, USA, July 2 – 7, 2006. (Invited talk)
05.“Time dependent radiolytic yields from picosecond to microsecond of the solvated electrons in 1,2-ethanediol, 1,2-propanediol and 1,3-propanediol”,
〇M. Lin, M. Mostafavi, Y. Muroya, Z. Han, I. Lampre, and Y. Katsumura.Gordon Research Conference on Radiation Chemistry, Colby College, Waterville, Maine, USA, July 2 – 7, 2006.
06. “Ultrafast pulse radiolysis study on pre-solvated and solvated electrons in alcohols”, 〇Y. Katsumura, Y. Muroya, M. Lin, et al. Gordon Research Conference on Radiation Chemistry, Colby College, Waterville, Maine, USA, July 2 – 7, 2006.
07. “Ultra-fast pulse radiolysis study on initial yields of solvated electrons in several alcohols”,
〇Y. Muroya, M. Lin, Z. Han, Y. Kumagai, A. Sakumi, T. Ueda, Y. Katsumura, Asia Pacific Symposium on Radiation Chemistry, Shanghai, China, Sept.17-21, 2006.
08. “Radiolysis of water with heavy-ion beams of energies up to 28 GeV. G(MV●+) in MV2+/formate solution and Monte-Carlo simulation”,
〇S. Yamashita, Y. Katsumura, M. Lin, Y. Muroya, T. Miyazaki, J. Meesungnoen, J-P. Jay-Gerin, T. Murakami, Asia Pacific Symposium on Radiation Chemistry, Shanghai, China, Sept.17-21, 2006.
09.“On the yield of OH radical at elevated temperatures and supercritical water”,
〇M. Lin, Y. Katsumura, Y. Muroya, and Z. HanThe 7th International Symposium on Advanced Science Research ASR2007 – Charged Particle and Photon Interactions with Matter, Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan, Nov. 6-9, 2007. (Invited talk)
10. “Temperature and time dependent behaviors of the solvated electrons in polyols”,
〇M. Lin, Y. Katsumura, M. Mostafavi, Y. Muroya, and I. Lampre,TSRP 2008 (Trombay Symposium on Radiation and Photochemistry), YASHADA, Pune, Jan. 7-11, 2008. (Invited talk).
11.“Current status of ultrafast pulse radiolysis at NPS, U. of Tokyo”,
〇Y. Muroya, M. Lin, Y. Katsumura, and Z. Han、The 7th International Symposium on Advanced Science Research ASR2007 – Charged Particle and Photon Interactions with Matter, Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan, Nov. 6-9, 2007. (Invited talk)
12. “Water radiolysis with heavy ions of energies up to 28 GeV: Investigation of track structure and intra-track reactions”,
〇S. Yamashita, Y. Katsumura, M. Lin, Y. Muroya, T. Miyazaki, T. Murakami, J. Meesungnoen, and J.P. Jay-Gerin,
The 7th International Symposium on Advanced Science Research ASR2007 – Charged Particle and Photon Interactions with Matter, Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan, Nov. 6-9, 2007. (Invited talk)
13. “Recent progress in development and application of ultrafast pulse radiolysis”,
〇Y. Muroya, M. Lin, Z. Han, Y. Kumagai, A. Sakumi, T. Ueda, M. Uesaka, and Y. Katsumura,
TSRP 2008 (Trombay Symposium on Radiation and Photochemistry), YASHADA, Pune, Jan. 7-11, 2008.
14. “La Chimie sous Rayonnements de l’Eau Supercritique” (Radiation chemistry of supercritical water),
〇M. Lin, Y. Katsumura, Y. Muroya, et al.
Journées d’Etudes de la Chimie sous Rayonnement (JECR2008), Presqu’île de Giens, France, May 25-29, 2008. (invited talk)
15. “Radiation chemistry of supercritical water and its implication to supercritical water cooled reactors”,
〇M. Lin, Y. Katsumura, Y. Muroya, et al.
The 2nd Asian Pacific Symposium on Radiation Chemistry (APSRC2008), Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, Aug. 29 – Sept. 1, 2008.
(invited talk)
16. “Hydrated electron in Supercritical Water”
〇M. Lin, Y. Katsumura, Y. Muroya, et al.
The 3rd Cross-strait Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Conference (CTCC-3), Sichuan University, Chengdu, P.R. China, April 23-27, 2009.
(invited talk)
17. “Picosecond Pulse Radiolysis of Supercritical Water”
〇M. Lin, Y. Katsumura, Y. Muroya, et al.
Workshop on radiolysis of high temperature and supercritical water, AECL/Chalk River, Canada, Oct. 1 – 2, 2009. (invited talk)
18. “Pulse radiolysis studies on high temperature and supercritical water”
〇M. Lin, Y. Katsumura, Y. Muroya, et al.
Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Shanghai, China, March 9, 2010. (invited talk)
19. (i) “Supercritical water and supercritical water-cooled reactors: The necessity of radiation chemistry”,
(ii) “Recent experimental results of pulse radiolysis studies on high temperature and supercritical water”,
(iii) “Solvated electron in high temperature and supercritical alcohols”,
〇M. Lin, Y. Katsumura, Y. Muroya, et al., Workshop on radiolysis of water at elevated temperatures and supercritical water, Univ. de Sherbrooke, Canada, June 28, 2010. (Invited talks)
20. “Pulse radiolysis studies on the solvated electron in high temperature and supercritical alcohols”
〇M. Lin, Y. Katsumura, Y. Muroya, Y. Yan, Z. Han, M. Mostafavi, and I. Lampre, 3rd Asia Pacific Symposium on Radiation Chemistry (APSRC-2010) and 10th Biennial Trombay Symposium on Radiation & Photochemistry (TSRP-2010), Lonavala, India, Sept. 14-17, 2010. (Invited talk)
21. “Ultra-Fast Pulse Radiolysis Study On Spur Reaction: Kinetics In Water At Elevated Temperatures From Room Temperature Up To Supercritical State”
○Y. Muroya, M. Lin, Y. Yan, Z. Han, S. Yamashita, T. Ueda, M. Mostafavi, Y. Katsumura, 3rd Asia Pacific Symposium on Radiation Chemistry (APSRC-2010) and 10th Biennial Trombay Symposium on Radiation & Photochemistry (TSRP-2010), Lonavala, India, Sept. 14-17, 2010. (Invited talk)
22. “Time resolved photolysis studies on photochemical reaction of some probes in mixed ionic liquids binary solutions”
○H. Fu, G. Zhu, J. Xu, Z. Xing, M. Lin, Y. Muroya, G. Wu, Y. Katsumura, 3rd Asia Pacific Symposium on Radiation Chemistry (APSRC-2010) and 10th Biennial Trombay Symposium on Radiation & Photochemistry (TSRP-2010), Lonavala, India, Sept. 14-17, 2010. (Invited talk)
23. “Antioxidative and Radioprotective effects of Edaravone”
○K. Hata, A.Urushibara, M. Lin, Y. Muroya, Y. Yamashita, A. Yokoya, H. Fu and Y. Katsumura, 3rd Asia Pacific Symposium on Radiation Chemistry (APSRC-2010) and 10th Biennial Trombay Symposium on Radiation & Photochemistry (TSRP-2010), Lonavala, India, Sept. 14-17, 2010. (Poster Award)
24. "Radiolysis of High Temperature and Supercritical Water Studied by Pulse Radiolysis Up to 400°C"
○Y. Katsumura, M. Lin, Y. Muroya, J. Meesungnoen, J.-P. Jay-Gerin, M. Mostafavi, 8th Int'l Radiolysis, Electrochemistry & Materials Performance Workshop, Quebec City, Canada, October 8, 2010.
25. "Electrons in high temperature and supercritical water and alcohols"
○Y. Katsumura, M. Lin, Y. Muroya, Y. Yan, Mostafavi, J. Meesungnoen, and J.-P. Jay-Gerin, The 2nd International Conference on Transient Chemical Structures in Dense Media, Paris, France, Nov. 29 – Dec. 3, 2010.
26. “Pulse radiolysis studies on water at elevated temperatures and supercritical water”,
○M. Lin, Y. Katsumura, Y. Muroya, M. Mostafavi, International Workshop on Radiation Effects in Nuclear Technology, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, March 9-10, 2011. (invited talk)
27. “Fast spur reaction processes of water radiolysis at high temperature / pressure conditions”,
○Y. Muroya, M. Lin, Y. Yan, S. Yamashita, M. Mostafavi, J. Mesungnoen, J.-P. Jay-Gerin, Y. Katsumura, International Workshop on Radiation Effects in Nuclear Technology, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, March 9-10, 2011. (invited talk)
28. “Laser photolysis and pulse radiolysis study on the reactions of crown ether towards sulfate and nitrate radicals”
L.K. Wan, ○J. Peng, Y. Muroya, M. Lin, Y. Katsumura, International Workshop on Radiation Effects in Nuclear Technology, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, March 9-10, 2011. (poster award)
29. “Water radiolysis at elevated temperatures up to 400 ºC”
○Y. Katusmura, M. Lin, Y. Muroya, M. Mostafavi, J. Meesungnoen, and J.P. Jay-Gerin, The 27th Miller conference of Radiation Chemistry, May 20 – 25, 2011, Tällberg, Sweden. (invited talk)
30. “Radiation effects on extractant system for the removal of strontium from the spent nuclear fuel”
○J. Peng, M. Zhai, L. Wan, Y. Muroya, Y. Katsumura and M. Lin, The 27th Miller conference of Radiation Chemistry, May 20 – 25, 2011, Tällberg, Sweden. (invited talk)