Poly(amino ester)s and poly(amidoamine)s are unique families of synthetic functional polymers that havebeen widely developed for use both as biomedical materialsand polymer therapeutics. The facile synthetic approach to poly(amino esters)s and poly(amido amine)s is via Michael addition polymerization of functional amine monomers with acrylate and acrylamide monomers. In this talk, we illustrate the successful preparation of functional poly(amino ester)s and poly(amido amine)s with various topologies including linear, grafted, hyperbranched and crosslinked structures based on Michael addition polymerization of diacrylates and diacrylamides to trifunctional amineswith unequal reactivity. Some applications, e.g., as gene and drug vectors, smart carries and fluorescence probes, are demonstrated.
姓 名: |
吴德成 |
毕业学校: |
新加坡国立大学 |
学 历: |
博士 |
毕业时间: |
2006年1月 |
所学专业: |
高分子化学 |
●联系方式 | |||
通讯地址: |
中国科学院化学研究所 北京海淀区中关村北一街2号 |
邮政编码: |
100190 |
办公电话: |
(86)10-82611492 |
电子信箱: |
dcwu@iccas.ac.cn |
●教育经历 | |||
起止时间 学历 学校 专业 | |||
1. 2002.01-2006.01 博士 新加坡国立大学 高分子化学 | |||
2. 1998.09-2001.07 硕士 中国科技大学 高分子化学 | |||
3. 1993.09-1998.07 学士 中国科技大学 高分子化学 | |||
●主修课程/研究课题 | |||
博士导师: Dr. Liu Ye, Prof. Goh Suat Hong & Chung Tai Shung 新加坡材料研究与工程研究院 (IMRE);化学系, 新加坡国立大学(NUS) 论文题目: Synthesis, Structures and Properties of Novel Poly(amino ester)s 硕士导师: 潘才元教授 高分子科学与工程系,中国科技大学 论文题目: 在硫代化合物存在下的活性自由基交替聚合研究及嵌段聚合物的合成 双学士导师: 潘才元教授 高分子科学与工程系,中国科技大学 专业: 高分子化学和计算机应用 | |||
●工作经历 | |||
起止时间 职称 单位 | |||
1. 2011.01- 研究员,博导 中国科学院化学研究所 | |||
2.2009.05-2011.01高级研究工程师 新加坡材料研究与工程研究院 | |||
3.2005.04-2009.04 研究工程师 新加坡材料研究与工程研究院 | |||
4.2001.07-2001.12工程师 深圳桑夏高科 | |||
●奖惩情况 | |||
2002. 01 IMRE-NUS postgraduate scholarship 1999. 05光华奖学金 1997. 05优秀学生奖学金(二等) | |||
●研究兴趣/方向 | |||
1. 可控缩聚和可控逐步加聚反应 2. 新型生物相容和生物可降解高分子材料的设计/合成/表征/性能及应用 | |||
3. 新型智能高分子材料的设计/合成/表征/性能及应用 | |||
4. 新型功能高分子及其复合材料的设计/合成/表征/性能及应用 | |||
●过去和当前研究课题 | |||
1. 智能生物可降解水凝胶(2008-现在) 2. 高分子增稠剂(2007-2010, 与宝洁合作) 3. 功能纳米中空硅球材料制备及应用(2007-2009) 4. 聚酰亚胺电镀(2005-现在) 5. 改性碳纳米管在药物及基因输送应用(2004-2006). 6. 生物可降解聚胺基酯在药物及基因输送应用(2002-现在) 7. 活性自由基聚合(ATRP/RAFT) (1998-2001) | |||
●发表文章 | |||
1. Decheng Wu*, Xian Jun Loh, Yunlong Wu, CheeLeng Lay, Ye Liu*. ‘Living’ Controlled in situ Gelling Systems: Thiol-disulfide Exchange Method towards Tailor-made Biodegradable Hydrogels.J. Am. Chem. Soc.132, 15140-15143. (Impact Factor: 8.580; Citation: 0; Citation: 0 (excluding self-citations) 2. Decheng Wu, Lu Shen, Xu Li*, Siew Yee Wong, WuiwuiChauhariTjiu, Ye Liu, Chaobin He*. Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube/Polyimide Composite Thin Films Fabricated by Electrophoretic Deposition. Polymer2010, 51, 2155-2160. (Impact Factor: 3.573; Citation: 0; Citation: 0 (excluding self-citations) 3. Decheng Wu, Ye Liu*, Chaobin He. Thermal- and pH-responsive Degradable Polymers. Macromolecules2008, 41, 18-20. (Impact Factor: 4.539; Citation: 16; Citation: 16 (excluding self-citations) 4. Decheng Wu, Ye Liu*, Xuan Jiang, Chaobin He, Suat Hong Goh, Kam W. Leong. Hyperbranched Poly(amino ester)s with Different Terminal Amine Groups for DNA Delivery. Biomacromolecules2006, 7, 1879-1883. (Impact Factor: 4.502; Citation: 31; Citation: 30 (excluding self-citations) 5. Ye Liu*,Decheng Wu, Weide Zhang, Xuan Jiang,Chaobin He, Tai Shung Chung,Suat Hong Goh, Kam W. Leong. Polyethylenimine (PEI)-Grafted Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes for Secure Noncovalent Immobilization and Efficient Delivery of DNAAngew. Chem. Int. Ed.2005, 44, 4782-4785. (Impact Factor: 11.829; Citation: 118; Citation: 115 (excluding self-citations) 6. Decheng Wu, Ye Liu*, Chaobin He, Suat Hong Goh. Blue Photoluminescence from Hyperbranched Poly(amino ester)s.Macromolecules2005, 38, 9906-9909. (Impact Factor: 4.539; Citation: 21; Citation: 19 (excluding self-citations) 7. Decheng Wu, Ye Liu*, Ling Chen, Chaobin He, Tai Shung Chung, Suat Hong Goh. 2A2+BB’B” Approach to Hyperbranched Poly(amino ester)s. Macromolecules2005, 38, 5519-5525. (Impact Factor: 4.539; Citation: 33; Citation: 27 (excluding self-citations) 8. Decheng Wu, Ye Liu*, Xuan Jiang, Ling Chen,Chaobin He, Suat Hong Goh, Kam W. Leong. Evaluation of Hyperbranched Poly(amino ester)s of Amine Constitutions Similar to Polyethylenimine for DNA Delivery.Biomacromolecules2005, 6, 3166-3173. (Impact Factor: 4.502; Citation: 21; Citation: 18 (excluding self-citations) 9. Decheng Wu, Ye Liu*, Chaobin He, Tai Shung Chung, Suat Hong Goh, Effect of Chemistries of Trifunctional Amines on Mechanisms of Michael Addition Polymerizations with Diacrylates, Macromolecules2004, 37, 6763-6770. (Impact Factor: 4.539; Citation: 27; Citation: 19 (excluding self-citations) 10. Ye Liu*, Decheng Wu, Yuexia Ma, Guoping Tang, Shu Wang, Chaobin He, Tai Shung Chung, Suat Hong Goh, Novel Poly(amino ester)s Obtained from Michael Addition Polymerizations of Trifunctional Amine Monomers with Diacrylates: Safe and Efficient DNA Carriers, Chem. Comm.2003, 2630-2631. (Impact Factor: 5.504; Citation: 28; Citation: 17 (excluding self-citations) 11. Decheng Wu, Chunyan Hong, Caiyuan Pan*, Weidong He, Study on Controlled Radical Alternating Copolymerization of Styrene with Maleic Anhydride under UV Irradiation, Polym Int.2003, 52, 98-103. (Impact Factor: 2.137; Citation: 10; Citation: 10 (excluding self-citations) 12. Decheng Wu, YingfangZou, Caiyuan Pan*, Controlled Radical Copolymerization of Styrene and Maleic Anhydride under Gamma Radiation in the Presence of Benzyl Dithiobenzoate, Chinese J Polym Sci.2002, 20, 525-530. (Impact Factor: 0.526; Citation: 4; Citation: 1 (excluding self-citations) 13. CheeLeng Lay, Hui Qi Liu, Decheng Wu, Ye Liu*. Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-graft- Hollow Silica Vesicles for Drug Delivery. Chem – Eur. J. 2010, 16,3001-3004. (Impact Factor: 5.382; Citation: 1; Citation: 1 (excluding self-citations) 14. Chunyan Hong*, Yezi You, Decheng Wu, Ye Liu, Caiyuan Pan*. Thermal Control Over the Topology of Cleavable Polymers: from linear to hyperbranched structures. J. Am. Chem. Soc.2007, 129, 5354-5355. (Impact Factor: 8.580; Citation: 23; Citation: 14 (excluding self-citations) 15. Chunyan Hong*, Yezi You*, Decheng Wu, Ye Liu, Caiyuan Pan. Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Grafted with Hyperbranched Polymer Shell via SCVP. Macromolecules2005, 38, 2606-2611. (Impact Factor: 4.539; Citation: 64; Citation: 56 (excluding self-citations) 16. Guobin Sun,Decheng Wu,Ye Liu*, Chaobin He, Tai Shung Chung, Suat Hong Goh. pH-Controllable Cyclic Threading/Dethreading of Polypseudorotaxane Obtained from Cyclodextrins and Poly(amino ester). Polymer2005, 46, 3355-3362. (Impact Factor: 3.573; Citation: 8; Citation: 8 (excluding self-citations) 17. Caiyuan Pan*, Lei Tao, Decheng Wu, Synthesis and Characterizations of the Four-armed Amphiphilic Block Copolymer S[poly(2,3-dihydroxypropyl acrylate)-block-poly(methyl acrylate)](4), J. Polym. Sci. Pol. Chem.2001, 39, 3062-3072. (Impact Factor: 3.971; Citation: 13; Citation: 7 (excluding self-citations) | |||
●发表专利 | |||
1. Decheng Wu, Ye Liu, Jianwei Xu, Chaobin He. Copolymers as rheology modifiers. IMR/Z/06271; IMRE ref: 201018.(Filed on Oct15, 2010) 2. Decheng Wu, Ye Liu, CheeLeng Lay. Crosslinking branched molecule through thiol-disulfide exchange to form hydrogel. PCT/SG2009/000445 (Filed on Nov 24, 2009) 3. Ye Liu, Decheng Wu. Polymer functionalized hollow silica and the methods for polymer functionalized silica. US provisional patent application 61/149,777 (Filed on Feb 4, 2009); Hollow silica particle with a polymer thereon. PCT/SG2010/000021 (Filed on Jan 25, 2010) 4. Xu Li, Chaobin He, Decheng Wu, Ye Liu. Fabrication of carbon nanotube/polymer composite thin film through electrophoretic deposition. PCT/SG2007/000354 (Filed onOct 17, 2007) 5. Ye Liu, Decheng Wu, Chaobin He. Stimulus-responsive biodegradable polymers and methods of preparation. US Patent ApplicationNo.11/934,638.(Filed onNov 2, 2007) 6. Ye Liu, Decheng Wu, Chaobin He.Hyperbranched polymers and their applications. PCT/SG2006/000109. (Granted on Dec 31, 2008) |