发布人: 发布时间:2011-05-06 浏览次数:231



汪峰 博士:基于主客体化学和氢键作用的超分子聚合物研究

张国庆 博士:(1) 含硼荧光高分子的合成与光物理 (2) 耐药性细菌转座子基因测序


2011年5月4日 (星期三) 下午2:30





汪峰 博士 (浙江大学博士毕业;现为荷兰埃因霍温理工大学博士后)

张国庆 博士 (University of Virginia博士毕业,现为美国哈佛大学博士后)

报告人简介:⑴、现在工作单位及职称 ⑵、主要研究方向 ⑶、学术成就简述(100字以内)






接待单位联系人:高分子系刘世勇 电话:3607348



汪 峰 简 历
STO 3.28, Helix Building
Molecular Science and Technology Eindhoven University of Technology(荷兰埃因霍温理工大学) P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, the Netherlands 手机: +31 61 988 7673 E-mail:
1981年8月出生,籍贯安徽安庆。2003年6月本科毕业于合肥工业大学。2006年6月获得浙江大学药学院药物化学硕士学位,导师为教育部长江学者特聘教授赵昱教授。2009年6月获浙江大学化学博士学位,导师为求是特聘教授黄飞鹤教授。在博士研究期间,以冠醚及穴醚作为主体分子,在探讨其与有机阳离子客体络合的基础上,通过对所合成的单体分子进行自组装性能的研究,实现了不同拓扑结构的超分子聚合物的构建,以及超分子材料的动态响应性能的研究。2009年9月至今在荷兰埃因霍温理工大学从事博士后工作,导师为高分子和超分子领域的著名科学家,荷兰皇家科学院院士E.W.(Bert) Meijer教授,主要研究基于氢键的超分子聚合物形成机制以及超分子材料的性质研究。截至目前发表超分子化学以及药物化学相关SCI学术论文19篇(其中第一作者SCI论文8篇),署名专利9篇。论文累计他引73次。两篇代表性论文分别发表在国际著名期刊美国化学会志(Journal of the American Chemical Society)以及德国应用化学(Angewandte Chemie International Edition)上。曾获浙江大学南都一等奖学金(理学院仅一人获选),浙江省优秀毕业生,并获得浙江大学“创优博论文计划”的资助。目前博士论文被浙江省推选参与2010年全国百篇优秀博士论文的评选(浙江省所提交的19篇论文之一)。
荷兰埃因霍温理工大学博士后,导师为高分子和超分子领域的著名科学家,荷兰皇家科学院院士 E.W.(Bert) Meijer教授
● 超分子聚合的机理研究:基于共轭盘状分子的自组装超分子聚合物的热力学和动力学研究;
● 基于超分子纳米管状结构的新型热塑性弹性体的构建以及机械性能研究。
博士论文: 基于冠醚和穴醚的超分子聚合物研究;
● 三桥穴醚大环主体分子的主客体化学研究及基于该穴醚的超分子互锁结构的构筑;
● 基于自分类组装的超分子交替共聚物以及主链准聚轮烷的构建及性质研究;
● 基于穴醚的超分子交联聚合物及其动态可逆性质的研究。
硕士论文: 水飞蓟宾类似物的设计、合成及生物活性研究;
● 水飞蓟宾类似物的抗氧化性,黄嘌呤氧化酶抑制性及DNA保护特性的研究。
2010, 被浙江省推选参与2010年全国百篇优秀博士论文的评选(浙江省19篇论文之一)
2009, 浙江省优秀毕业生
2009, 浙江大学优秀毕业生
2008, 浙江大学南都一等奖学金(理学院仅一人)
2008, 浙江大学一等三好学生
2003, 合肥工业大学优秀毕业生
2003, 合肥工业大学三等优秀学生奖学金
2002, 合肥工业大学二等优秀学生奖学金
2001, 合肥工业大学三等优秀学生奖学金
2000, 合肥工业大学二等优秀学生奖学金
1999, 合肥工业大学二等优秀学生奖学金
承担责任: 创建研究团队,设计并合成目标分子,自组装线形及交联超分子聚合物的特性研究
2007-2009年,国家自然科学基金委(NNSFC)青年科学基金项目(No. 20604020)及面上项目(No. 20774086, 20834004),项目参与人(项目负责人黄飞鹤教授)
承担责任: 三桥穴醚大环主体分子的主客体化学研究,超分子聚合物单体的合成及表征
1. Wang, F.; Filot, I.; Gillissen, M.; de Greef, T. F. A.; Stals, P. J. M.; Palmans, A. R. A.; Meijer, E. W.* “Insights into Cooperative Supramolecular Polymerization Mechanisms based on Oligo(Phenylene-Ethynylene) Functionalized C3-Symmetrical Discostic Triamides” Journal of the American Chemical Society to be submitted.
2. Wang, F.; Carnes, M.; de Greef, T. F. A.; Mes, T.; Palmans, A. R. A.; Meijer, E. W.* “Construction of Supramolecular Nanotube Architectures based on Shape-Persistent Homoditopic Monomers” Manuscript in preparation.
3. Wang, F.; Zhang, J.; Dong, S.; Shu, J.; Liu, M.; Gibson, H. W.; Huang, F.* “Metal Coordination Mediated Reversible Conversion between Linear and Cross-Linked Supramolecular Polymers” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 1090–1094. (SCI文章, 影响因子11.829) (被麻省理工大学的著名科学家Timothy M. Swager以“Reversible Conversion between Linear and Cross-Linked Supramolecular Polymers” (Synfacts, 2010, 0542)为题对该成果进行了相关的介绍)
4. Wang, F.; Zheng, B.; Zhu, K.; Zhou, Q.; Zhai, C.; Li, S.; Li, N.; Huang, F.* “Formation of Linear Main-Chain Polypseudorotaxanes with Supramolecular Polymer Backbones via Two Self-Sorting Host-Guest Recognition Motifs” Chem. Commun., 2009, 4375-4377. (SCI文章, 影响因子 5.504)
5. Wang, F.; Han, C.; He, C.; Zhou, Q.; Zhang, J.; Wang, C.; Li, N.; Huang, F.* “Self-Sorting Organization of Two Heteroditopic Monomers to Supramolecular Alternating Copolymers” Journal of the American Chemical Society 2008, 130, 11254-11255. (SCI文章, 影响因子8.580) (被国际权威杂志《Nature》出版集团出版的杂志《Nature CHINA》作为化学领域突出研究成果专题介绍,
6. Wang, F.; Dong, S.; Huang, F.* “基于冠醚衍生物的超分子聚合物” review article, 高分子学报 2011, accepted (SCI文章, 影响因子0.437)
7. Wang, F.; Zhou, Q.; Zhu, K.; Li, S.; Wang, C.; Liu, M.; Li, N.; Fronczek, F. R.; Huang, F.* “Efficient Syntheses of Bis(m-phenylene)-26-crown-8-Based Cryptand/Paraquat [2]Rotaxanes by Immediate Solvent Evaporation Method” Tetrahedron 2009, 65, 1488-1494. (SCI文章, 影响因子3.219)
8. Wang, F.; Yang, L.; Gong, J.; Stockigt, J.; Zhao, Y.* “Preparation of C-23 esterified silybin derivatives and evaluation of their lipid peroxidation inhibitory and DNA protective properties” Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 2009, 17, 6380-6389. (SCI文章, 影响因子2.822)
9. Wang, F.; Yang, L.; Huang, K.; Li, X.; Hao, X.; Stockigt, J.; Zhao, Y.* “Preparation of ferulic acid derivatives and evaluation of their xanthine oxidase inhibition activity” Natural Product Research, Part A: Structure and Synthesis 2007, 21, 196-202. (SCI文章, 影响因子0.810)
10. Wang, F.; Jiang, X.; Hu, L.; Dong, S.; Wu, X.; Bai, H.; Zhang, Y.; Stockigt, J.; Zhao, Y.* “A novel and convenient method for the synthesis of ubiquinone-10” Letters in Organic Chemistry 2006, 3, 610-612. (SCI文章, 影响因子0.774)
11. Zhu, K.; Li, S.; Wang, F.; Huang, F.* “Anion-Controlled Ion-Pair Recognition of Paraquat by a Bis(m-phenylene)-32-crown-10 Derivative Heteroditopic Host” Journal of Organic Chemistry 2009, 74, 1322-1328. (SCI文章, 影响因子4.219)
12. Zhu, K.; Zhang, M.; Wang, F.; Li, N.; Li, S.; Huang, F.* “Improved complexation between dibenzo-24-crown-8 derivatives and dibenzylammonium salts by ion-pair recognition”, New Journal of Chemistry 2008, 32, 1827-1830. (SCI文章, 影响因子3.006)
13. Zhang, J.; Zhai, C.; Wang, F.; Zhang, C.; Li, S.; Zhang, M.; Li, N.; Huang, F.* “A Bis(m-phenylene)-32-Crown-10-Based Fluorescence Chemosensor for Paraquat and Diquat” Tetrahedron Letters 2008, 49, 5009-5012. (SCI文章, 影响因子2.660)
14. Liu, M.; Li, S.; Hu, M.; Wang, F.; Huang, F.* “Selectivity Algorithm for the Formation of Two Cryptand/Paraquat Catenanes” Organic Letters 2010, 12, 760-763. (SCI文章, 影响因子
15. Liu, M.; Li, S.; Zhang, M.; Zhou, Q.; Wang, F.; Hu, M.; Fronczek, F. R.; Li, N.; Huang, F.* “Three-Dimensional Bis(m-phenylene)-32-crown-10-Based Cryptand/Paraquat Catenanes” Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2009, 7, 1288-1291. (SCI文章, 影响因子3.762)
16. Zhu, K.; He, J.; Li, S.; Liu, M.; Wang, F.; Zhang, M.; Abliz, Z.; Yang, H; Li, N.; Huang, F.* “Synthesis of Bis(m-phenylene)-32-crown-10-Based Discrete Rhomboids Driven by Metal-Coordination and Complexation with Paraquat” Journal of Organic Chemistry 2009, 74, 3905-3912. (SCI文章, 影响因子4.219)
17. Zhang, C.; Zhu, K.; Li, S.; Zhang, J.; Wang, F.; Liu, M.; Li, N.; Huang, F.* “Binding of secondary dialkylammonium salts by pyrido-21-crown-7”, Tetrahedron Letters 2008, 49, 6917-6920. (SCI文章, 影响因子2.660)
18. Li, S.; Liu, M.; Zheng, B.; Zhu, K.; Wang, F.; Li, N.; Huang, F.* “Taco Complex Templated Syntheses of a Cryptand/Paraquat [2]Rotaxane and a [2]Catenane by Olefin Metathesis” Organic Letters 2009, 11, 3350-3353. (SCI文章, 影响因子5.420)
19. Yang, L.; Gong, J.; Wang, F.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Hao, X.; Wu, X.; Bai, H.; Stockigt, J.; Zhao, Y.* “Synthesis and antioxidant evaluation of novel silybin analogues” Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry 2006, 21, 399-404. (SCI文章, 影响因子1.490)
20. Gong, J.; Weng, L.; Wang, F.; Feng, Y.; Zhou, C.; Li, H.; Wu, Y.; Hao, X.; Wu, X.; Bai, H.; Stockigt, J.; Zhao, Y.* “Synthesis and antioxidant properties of novel silybin analogs” Chinese Chemical Letters 2006, 17, 465-468. (SCI文章, 影响因子0.643)
21. Gong, J.; Feng, Y.; Wang, F.; Wang, Y.; Li, H.; Wu, Y.; Hao, X.; Wu, X.; Bai, H.; Stockigt, J.; Zhao, Y.* “Preparation of 5,6,7-trioxygenated dihydroflavonols and evaluation of their superoxide radical scavenging activity” Chinese Chemical Letters 2006, 17, 449-452. (SCI文章, 影响因子0.643)
1. Zhao, Y.; Wang, F.; Jiang, X.; Bai, H. Method for preparation of Coenzyme Q. Faming Zhuanli Shenqing Gongkai Shuomingshu 2008, 14pp. Patent No.: CN 101148403. (In Chinese)
2. Zhao, Y.; Gong, J.; Wang, F.; Feng, Y.; Bai, H. Dehydrosilybin diester derivatives, preparation and medical application. Faming Zhuanli Shenqing Gongkai Shuomingshu 2008, 18pp. Patent No.: CN 101104616. (In Chinese)
3. Zhao, Y.; Wang, F.; Liu, W.; Bai, H. Method for preparation and application of dihydroflavanonol compounds. Faming Zhuanli Shenqing Gongkai Shuomingshu 2007, 34pp. Patent No.: CN 1990482. (In Chinese)
4. Zhao, Y.; Wang, F.; Bai, H. Medical application and preparation of 3-(3-nitro-4-hydroxy)-ethyl acrylate for inhibiting xanthine oxidase. Faming Zhuanli Shenqing Gongkai Shuomingshu 2006, 5pp. Patent No.: CN 1872041. (In Chinese)



Guoqing Zhang, Ph.D

Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138
Lab Phone: 617-496-8654; Cell Phone: 434-242-8652

Career Goals

Faculty Position in the Broader Fields of Chemistry and Materials
Business Owner and Professional Writer

2006-2010 University of Virginia  Ph. D., Chemistry
2001-2005 University of Science and Technology of China   B.S., Polymer Science and Engineering

Research Interests
Synthetic Polymers and Applications, Luminescence Spectroscopy,
Physical Organic Chemistry, Microfluidics, Synthetic Polymers for Infectious Disease Treatment

Professional and Research Experience
2010 Xie Lab Harvard University
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Advisor: Dr. X. Sunney Xie  Persister Cell Genetic Screening by Transposon Mutagenesis
2010. Cofounder of Luminesco, Inc.
2006-2010 Fraser Lab University of Virginia Research Assistant
Ph. D. Advisor: Dr. Cassandra L. Fraser
 Synthesis and Fabrication of Luminescent Polymers for Cell and Tumor Hypoxia Imaging
 Mechanical Force Induced (Mechanochromic) Fluorescence Responses in Polymers and Molecular Solids
2004-2005 Liu Lab University of Science and Technology of China Undergraduate Thesis
Advisor: Dr. Shiyong Liu
 Synthesis and Characterization of Amphiphilic Block Copolymers


Research Awards
 Allen T. Gwathmey Memorial Award, 2010
 Chinese Government Outstanding Student Award, 2010
 UVA Excellence in Scholarship in the Science and Engineering
 ACS Young Investigator Award, 2010
 ACS POLY Graduate Travel Award, 2009
 ACS POLY Excellence in Graduate Research, 2008
 UVA Huskey Research Award, 2008
 Chemistry Department Travel Award, 2008
 ACS INORG Student Travel Award, 2007

Publications (By Research Areas)
Gene Expression/Persister Cells
1. Chen, H.; Zhang, G.; Xie, S. X. “Persister Cell Genetic Screening through
Double-Mutation Transposon Libraries”, in preparation.
Tumor Hypoxia Imaging and Biological Applications
2. Zhang, G.; Palmer, G, M.; Dewhirst, M. W.; Fraser, C. L. “Material Design
Concept Enables Tumor Hypoxia Imaging” Nat. Mater. 2009, 8, 747-51.
3. Palmer, G. M.; Fontanella, A. N.; Shan, S.; Hanna, G.; Zhang, G.; Fraser, C. L.;
Dewhirst, M. W. Nat. Protoc., 2011, in press
4. Palmer, G. M.; Fontanella, A. N.; Zhang, G.; Hanna, G.; Fraser, C. L.; Dewhirst,
M. W. "Trimodal Optical Imaging of Tumor Hypoxia Dynamics" J. Biomed.
Opt. 2010, 15, 066021.
5. Fraser, C. L., Zhang, G. “Boron Polylactide Biomaterials for Oxygen Sensing and
Hypoxia Imaging” Mater. Today 2009, 12, 48-50.
6. Murray, R. A.; Zhang, G.; Harmata, D.; Neal, R. A.; Botchwey, E. A.; Fraser C.
L. "Fabrication and Degradation of Nanofibers based on Luminescent Boron Dye-
PLGA Blends" In Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering ; Kulshrestha, A., Ed.;
ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, D.C., 2010
7. Pfister, A.; Zhang, G.; Zareno, J.; Horwitz, A. F.; Fraser, C. L. “Boron
Polylactide Nanoparticles Exhibiting Fluorescence and Phosphorescence in
Aqueous Medium” ACS Nano 2008, 2, 1252-8. (In Nano Highlight, ACS Nano
2008, 2, 1088. ACS Nano Podcast, Episode 11, June 2008)
8. Kersey, F. R.; Zhang, G.; Palmer, G. M.; Dewhirst, M. W.; Fraser, C. L.
"Stereocomplexed PEG-PLA Nanoparticles With Dual Emissive Boron Dyes for
Tumor Accumulation" ACS Nano 2010, 4, 4989-4996.
9. Contreras, J.; Xie, J.; Chen, Y. J.; Pei, H.; Zhang, G.; Fraser, C. L.; Hamm-
Alvarez, S. "Intracellular Uptake and Trafficking of Difluoroboron
Dibenzoylmethane-Poly(lactic acid) Nanoparticles in HeLa Cells" ACS Nano 2010,
4, 2735-47.

Polymer Synthesis and Polymer Physics
10. Zhang, G.; Chen, J.; Payne, S. J.; Kooi, S. E.; Demas, J. N.; Fraser, C. L.
“Multi-Emissive Difluoroboron Dibenzoylmethane Polylactide Exhibiting Intense
Fluorescence and Oxygen Sensitive Room Temperature Phosphorescence” J. Am.
Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 8942-3.
11. Zhang, G.; Kooi, S. E.; Demas, J. N.; Fraser, C. L. “Emission Color Tuning with
Polymer Molecular Weight for Boron Dibenzoylmethane-Polylactide” Adv. Mater.
2008, 20, 2099-104.
12. Zhang, G.; St. Clair, T. L.; Fraser, C. L. “Fluorescent Properties of
Difluoroboron Dibenzoylmethane Polycaprolactone” Macromolecules 2009, 42,
13. Zhang, G.; Fiore, G. L.; St. Clair, T. L.; Fraser, C. L. “Difluoroboron
Dibenzoylmethane PCL-PLA Block Copolymers: Effects of Polymer Composition
on Room Temperature Phosphorescence” Macromolecules 2009, 42, 3092-7.
(highlighted in May 18th “Noteworthy Chemistry” of the American Chemical
14. Zhang, G.; Evans, R. E.; Campbell, K. A.; Fraser, C. L. “Polymer Chemistry and
Photophysics of Difluoroboron Dibenzoylmethane Polylactide: the Role of Boron”
Macromolecules 2009, 42, 8627-33.
15. Chen, J.; Gorczynski, J. L.; Zhang, G,; Fraser, C. L. “Iron
Tris(Dibenzoylmethane-Polylactide” Macromolecules 2010, 43, 4909-20.
16. Zhang, G.; Xu, S.; Zestos, A. G.; Evans, R. E.; Lu, J.; Fraser, C. L. "An Easy
Method to Monitor Lactide Polymerization with a Boron Fluorescent Probe" ACS
Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2010, 2, 3069-3074.
17. Zhang, G.; Evans, R. E.; Fraser, C. L. “From Fluoride to Iodide - A Model Study
of Exciton Interactions Assisted by Heavy-Atoms”, submitted to Macromolecules.
Mechanochromic Luminescence of Molecular Solids
18. Zhang, G.; Lu, J.; Sabat, M; Fraser, C. L. “Polymorphism and Reversible
Mechanochromic Luminescence of Solid-State Difluoroboron Avobenzone” J. Am.
Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 2160-2162.
19. Zhang, G.; Singer, J. P.; Lu, J.; Evans, R. E.; Thomas, E. L.; Fraser, C. L.;
“Mechanochromic Fluorescence of a Boron Lipid Material” J. Mater. Chem. 2011,
in press.
20. Zhang, G.; Fraser, C. L. “Mechanochromic Luminescence Quenching: Force
Enhanced Singlet-to-Triplet Intersystem Crossing for Iodide-Substituted
Difluoroboron Dibenzoylmethane-Dodecane in the Solid State” Inorg. Chem.
2010, 132, 2160-2.
21. Nguyen, N.; Zhang, G.; Fraser, C. L. “Alkyl chain length effects on
difluoroboron -diketonate mechanochromic luminescence” J. Mater. Chem.
2011, in press
22. Liu, T.; Chien, A. D.; Lu, J.; Zhang, G.; Fraser, C. L. “Arene Effects on
Difluoroboron -Diketonate Mechanochromic Luminescence” J. Mater. Chem.
2011, in press.
Diketone Ligand and Recent Boron Diketonates Small Molecules Research
23. Zhang, G.; Kim, S. H.; Evans, R. E.; Kim, B. H.; Demas, J. N.; Fraser, C. L.
“Luminescent Donor-Acceptor -Diketones: Modulation of Emission by Solvent
Polarity and Group II Metal Binding” J. Fluoresc. 2009, 19, 881-9.
24. Payne, S. J.; Zhang, G.; Demas, J. N.; Fraser, C. L. “Singlet-Triplet Energy
Splitting: A Temperature Dependent Delayed Fluorescence Study”, Anal. Chem.
2011, in press
25. Liu, T.*; Zhang, G.*; Evans, R. E.; Fraser, C. L. “Triplet State Modulation via
Intramolecular Charge Transfer”, submitted to JACS. (*equal contributions)
26. Zhang, G. “A Review of the Synthesis and Properties of -Diketone Complexes.”
27. Liu, T.; Zhang, G.; Fraser, C. L. “Room-Temperature Phosphorescence for pH
Sensing”, in preparation.
28. Zhang, G.; Fraser, C. L. “A Mechanical Light Switch for Rhodamine B Dye in the
Solid-State”, in preparation.
29. Zhang, G.; Kim, S. H.; Kim, B. H.; Murray, R. A.; Fraser, C. L. “The Role of
Stereochemistry on Light-Emitting Boron Polylactide Biomaterials” (with
Kwangwoon, South Korea collaborators), in preparation.
30. Zhang, G.; Xu, S.; Liu, T.; Fraser, C. L. “Emission Color Tuning of -Diketonate
Ligands and their Difluoroboron Complexes” , in preparation.
31. Zhang, G.; Demas, J. N.; Fraser, C. L. “Multicolored Temperature and Moisture
Dependent Luminescence for Boron Bis(dibenzoylmethane) Salts”, in preparation.

1. Fraser, C. L.; Chen, J.; Zhang, G. “Luminescent Diketonate Polymers”
International Patent Application PCT/US2007/013211. Filed June 4, 2007. U. S.
Patent Application No. 2009/0137057
2. Fraser, C. L.; Zhang, G. “Luminescent Diketonate Polymers” International
Patent Application PCT/US2010/042978. Filed March 14, 2011.
3. Fraser, C. L.; Zhang, G. “Simple Solid-State Boron Dyes with Polymorphic,
Process Dependent, and Mechanochromic Luminescence,” U. S. Provisional
Patent Application No. 61/265,404, Filed on December 1, 2009.
Art Folio Project
Dass, D. A. et al., “Time” Folio Printed at University of Virginia and the Virginia Arts of
the Book Center, in an Edition of 24, 2009. See Fraser lab news page for images.
Professional Membership
American Chemical Society (2005-present)


Invited Talks
“Scratch the Surface Ink” Co-presenter: Prof. Cassandra Fraser, Charlottesville
Community Design Center, July 2010.
“Polymer Matrix Effect on Room-Temperature Phosphorescence of Boron Materials”
University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China, June 2009. (Sponsored by
UVA VPR Office, Chinese Academy of Sciences Key Laboratory of Soft Matter Chemistry,
and the National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale.)
“Luminescent Boron Materials”
“Light Emitting Boron Materials for Sensing and Imaging” MBA Class, Darden School of
Business, University of Virginia, September 2008.

Recruiting Talk
“Graduate Studies at UVA” Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, University
of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China, June 2009. (Sponsored by UVA VPR

Business Talk
“Luminesco Inc. Light Emitting Materials for Imaging, Sensing, and Detection” Copresenter:
Mr. Thomas H. Jones, President, New Venture Directions, Inc., University of
Virginia Patent Foundation, June 2010.

Preprints and Proceedings
1. Harmata, A. J.; Murray, R. A.; Zhang, G.; Jecmenica, M.; Neal, R. A.;
Strausberg, L. J.; Campbell, K. A.; Botchwey, E. A.; Brayman, K. L.; Fraser, C. L.
“Boron biomaterials for Tissue Engineering.” Polym. Mater. Sci. Eng. Prepr.
2009, 101, 1117-8.
2. Zhang, G.; Fiore, G. L.; St Clair, T. L.; Fraser, C. L. “Polymer Matrix Effect on
the Optical Properties of Luminescent Difluoroboron Dibenzoylmethane in the
Solid State.” Polym. Prepr. 2009, 50, in press. (Invited Talk)
3. Zhang, G.; Payne, S. J.; Kooi, S. E.; Demas, J. N.; Fraser, C. L. “Luminescence
Color Tuning for Difluoroboron -Diketonate-Polylactide Biomaterials” Polym.
Prepr. 2009, 50, 510-511.
4. Zhang, G.; Chen, J.; Payne, S. J.; Kooi, S. E.; Demas, J. N.; Fraser, C. L.
“Multi-Emissive Difluoroboron Dibenzoylmethane Polylactide: Synthesis and
Optical Properties” Polym. Prepr. 2008, 49, 258-9.
5. Fraser, C. L.; Zhang, G.; Demas, J. N.; Kooi, S. E.; Chen, Y. J.; Pfister, A.; Lee,
Y.-J. “Emission Color Tuning in Boron Biomaterials” Polym. Prepr. 2008, 49
6. Fraser, C. L.; Zhang, G.; Payne, S. J.; Demas, J. N.; Pfister, A.; Kooi, S. E.;
Chen, Y. J.; St. Clair, T. L.; Lee, Y.-J. “Light Emitting Boron Biomaterials” Polym.
Mater. Sci. Eng. Prepr. 2008, 98, 24.
7. Fraser, C. L.; Zhang, G.; Pfister, A. “Metallobiomaterials with
Dibenzoylmethane Polylactide Macroligands” Polym. Prepr. 2007, 48, 626.
8. Fraser, C. L.; Chen, J.; Pfister, A.; Zhang, G.; Chen, Y. J. “Synthesis and
Responsive Properties of Dibenzoylmethane Metallobiomaterials.” Mat. Res. Soc.
Symp. Proc., 0947, A02-08, Warrendale, PA, 2007.
9. Zhang, G.; Fraser, C. L.; Hamm-Alvarez, S.; Xie, J.; Price, R. J.; Palmer, G. M.;
Dewhirst, M. W. “Boron Biomaterials for Imaging and Oxygen Sensing” 238th
ACS National Meeting (August 16-20, 2009), Washington, D. C.
10. Kersey, F. R.; Zhang, G.; Fraser, C. L. “Synthesis and characterization of
pegylated difluoroboron dibenzoylmethane-polylactide nanoparticles.” 238th ACS
National Meeting (August 16-20, 2009), Washington, D. C.
11. Evans, R. E.; Zhang, G.; Fraser, C. L. “Heavy-atom enhanced difluoroboron
dibenzoylmethane luminescent probes for oxygen imaging.” 238th ACS National
Meeting (August 16-20, 2009), Washington, D. C.
12. Zhang, G.; Kim, S. H.; Evans, R. E.; Kim, B. H.; Demas, J. N.; Fraser, C. L.
“Luminescent -Diketones: Photophysical Properties and Magnesium Binding”
237th ACS National Meeting (March 22-26, 2009), Salt Lake City, Utah.
13. Zhang, G.; Evans, R. E.; Palmer, G. M.; Dewhirst, M. W.; Xie, J.; Hamm-Alvarez,
S.; Price, R. J.; Fraser, C. L.”Light Emitting Boron Biomaterials for Imaging and
Oxygen Sensing” 237th ACS National Meeting (March 22-26, 2009), Salt Lake
City, Utah. (Nocera Award Symposium)
14. Zhang, G.; Chen, Y. J.; Xie, J.; Hamm-Alvarez, S.; Kim, S. H.; Kim, B. H.; St.
Clair, T. L.; Lee, Y.; Evans, R. E.; Fraser, C. L. “Color Tunable, Multi-emissive
Difluoroboron Beta-Diketonate Biomaterials” 236th ACS National Meeting (August
17-21, 2008), Philadelphia, PA.
15. Zhang, G.; Chen, Y.; Pfister, A.; Xie, J.; Hamm-Alvarez, S.; Horwitz, A. F.; Price,
R. J.; Kooi, S. E.; Demas, J. N.; Fraser, C. L. “Light Emitting Boron Biomaterials
for Imaging and Sensing” Metals in Medicine, GRC (June 20-July 4, 2008),
Andover, NH.
16. Zhang, G.; Chen, J.; Payne, S. J.; Demas, J. N.; Fraser, C. L. “Multi-Emissive
Difluoroboron Dibenzoylmethane Polylactide: Synthesis and Optical Properties”
235th ACS National Meeting (April 6-10, 2008), New Orleans, LA.
17. Zhang, G.; Demas, J. N. Fraser, C. L. “Multicolored Temperature Dependent
Luminescence for Boron Bis(dibenzoylmethane) Salts” 235th ACS National
Meeting (April 6-10, 2008), New Orleans, LA.
18. Fraser, C. L.; Zhang, G.; Chen, J.; Pfister, A. “Incorporating Metals into
Polymeric Biomaterials: Multifunctional Iron and Boron Polylactide” ACS Green
Chemistry & Engineering Conference (June 2007) Washington, DC.
19. Zhang, G.; Chen, J.; Payne, S. J.; Pfister, A.; Demas, J. N.; Fraser, C. L.
“Difluoroboron Dibenzoylmethane-Polylactide Materials Displaying Fluorescence
and Unusual Room Temperature Oxygen Sensitive Phosphorescence” 233rd ACS
National Meeting (March 25-29, 2007), Chicago, IL.

Commercialization and Start up Venture Activities
Virginia Innovators Showcase, Northern Virginia, Nov 2008
UVA Patent Foundation Consultations
Discussions with Companies Interested in Licensing Technology
Consultations with UVA Spinner Technologies
UVA T100 Program
Meetings with Attorney Teams
Consultations with Business Advisors and Venture Capitalists
Consultations with Darden School of Business
Coined Company Name and Secured URL for “Luminesco”
Broader Impacts and Outreach
Interdisciplinary Projects
Page Barbour Plastic Project, Project Assistant, UVA, 2009
Collaborative Project with Profs. Lucia Phinney, Robin Dripps, and Rosana Rubio-
Hernandez, UVA Architecture, 2009
Folio Project with Dean Dass and Art Department, 2009
Fallow City and Feral Architect, Berenika Boberska, Feral Art Studio, Project Consultant
and Collaborator, 2009
High School
St. Anne’s High School Chemistry Class: Lab visit and Presentation, 2008 & 2010
SPARX (Science People and Research Exchange): A Network and Facebook Group of USSino
Students Scientific and Cultural Exchange (Five urban and rural high schools with
the Fraser Lab)

2005-2006 General Chem Lab Instructor, University of Virginia
2006-Present Research Mentor
 Postdoctoral Fellow
o Farrell R. Kersey
 Graduate Students
o Tyler L. St. Clair
o Shin H. Kim
o Laura J. Strausberg
o Songpan Xu
o Alex Zestos
 Undergraduate Student
o Yin J. Chen
o You J. Lee
o Ruffin E. Evans
o Alan Chien

Prof. Sunney X. Xie, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University
Prof. Cassandra L. Fraser, Department of Chemistry, University of Virginia
Prof. James N. Demas, Department of Chemistry, University of Virginia
Prof. Carl Trindle, Department of Chemistry, University of Virginia
Prof. Shiyong Liu, Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, USTC
Prof. Dean Dass, Chair of Studio Art, McIntire Department of Art, University of Virginia
Dr. Jiwei Lu, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Virginia

Press and Photo Highlights
Nature Materials Paper Press Release, "New Light-Emitting Biomaterial Could Improve Tumor
Imaging, Study Shows" 8/10/09 Other news media: Science Daily, CNET, and United Press
UVA Today and Today’s Top Story, “Chemists Discover Light Emitting Compound, Create
Collaborations” 2/16/10
CBS19 Televison News Interview, “UVA Chemistry Student Makes Art with Sunscreen” (News
article and video clip) 2/17/2010
UVA Cavalier Daily Front Page, “Graduate Student Discovers Color Changing Crystal”
Chemistry Blog, “This Message Will Self-Heal in 3, 2, 1....” 2/12/10 The image below is taken
from our Journal of the American Chemical Society article. It highlights the reversibility and
rewritability of the process. Light was written, erased, and then the Chinese symbol for light was
UVA Magazine Summer 2010, Featured Video Article “Light There Be Light-Chemists
Discover Light-Emitting Compound”, 5/15/2010
CCTV Morning News “Twenty-three Students Awarded Chinese Government Scholarship
at D.C. Embassy” (China Central TV Station, New China News Agency, 5/22/2010,
Washington, D. C.)