![]() | 刘和文博士 高分子科学与工程系 教授 博士生导师 Tel: +86-551-63607780 (Office) Tel: +86-551-63600569 (Lab) Fax: +86-551-63607780 E-mail: lhewen@ustc.edu.cn |
1985.09-1990.07: 中国科技大学应用化学系,理学学士
1990.09-1993.03: 中国科技大学应用化学系,理学硕士
1993.04-1996.02: 中国科技大学应用化学系,讲师
1996.03-2002.12: 芬兰Abo Akademi 大学,高分子系,博士,博士后
2002.12-至 今:中国科学技术大学
[1] 拓扑高分子:近期集中在环状结构的合成及光控转变方面
[2] 高分子微纳米化材料:包括光致自推进胶体粒子、二维材料
[3] 高分子复合材料:耐极低温复合材料、生物质填充复合材料
[4] 辐射化学及光化学研究:耐辐射材料、光固化涂料
- Wei Li, Xiaoran Wu, Hong Qin, Zhongqiang Zhao and Hewen Liu*, Light-Driven and Light-Guided Microswimmers, Advanced Functional Materials DOI: 10.1002/ adfm.201505378。
- Guanglei Ma, Zhongqiang Zhao, and Hewen Liu*, Yeast Cells Encapsulating Polymer Nanoparticles as Trojan Particles via in Situ Polymerization inside Cells, Macromolecules DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.6b00016。
- Junjiang Li, Min Du, Zhongqiang Zhao, and Hewen Liu*, Cyclopolymerization of Disiloxane-Tethered Divinyl Monomers To Synthesize Chirality-Responsive Helical Polymers, Macromolecules 2016, 49 (2), 445–454。
- Wei Li, Zhilei Sui, Huarong Liu, Zengming Zhang, and Hewen Liu*,High-Pressure Raman Study of [2.2]Paracyclophane,J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118, 16028–16034。
- Xianzhe Zhang, Qingqing Zhou, Huarong Liu and Hewen Liua,* UV light induced plasticization and light activated shape memory of spiropyran doped ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers,Soft Matter 2014,10, 3748-3754。
- Guanglei Ma, Qingqing Zhou, Xianzhe Zhang, Yueming Xu, Hewen Liu,* Crown ethers with spiropyran units incorporated in the ring frameworks for pH-triggered ion recognition at the air–water interface,New J. Chem. 2014, 38, 552-560。
- Wei Li, Xiaoying Zhao, Hewen Liu,* One-pot Self-coupling Concurrent Living Polymerizations of Inimers to Synthesize Hyperbranched-linking-hyperbranched Polymer Cylinders via Cyclic Trithiocarbonate, Polym. Chem. 2014, 5, 1905-1911。
- Kai Song,Xiaoying Zhao,Yueming Xu,Hewen Liu,* Modification of graphene oxide via photo-initiated grafting polymerization,J. Mater. Sci. 2013,48,5750–5755。
- Pengju Ma , Hui Nie , Qingqing Zhou , Yuesheng Li ,* Hewen Liu,* One-Pot Radical Polymerization of One Inimer to Form One-Dimensional Polymeric Nanomaterials, Advanced Materials 2012, 24, 6234–6239。
- Ran Shen, Kai Song, Huarong Liu, Yuesheng Li, Hewen Liu,* Fluorescence Enhancement and Radiolysis of Carbon Dots through Aqueous γ Radiation Chemistry, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2012, 116, 15826–15832。
- Ran Shen, Kai Song, Huarong Liu, Yuesheng Li, Hewen Liu,* Dramatic Fluorescence Enhancement of Bare Carbon Dots through Facile Reduction Chemistry, ChemPhysChem 2012, 13, 3549–3555。
- Chengsha Wei, Wanjiang Pan, Shouhua Sun, Hewen Liu,* Irradiation effects on a glycidylamine epoxy resin system for insulation in fusion reactor, Journal of Nuclear Materials 2012, 429, 113–117。
- Changlin Li, Hewen Liu,* Yuesheng Li, 1,2,3-Triazole-Incorporated Diacrylate Monomer for Free Radical Cyclopolymerization Through Large Ring Formation, Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2011, 212, 1050–1055。
- Yun Peng, Hewen Liu,* Xingyuan Zhang, Shiyong Liu, Yuesheng Li, Macrocycle-Terminated Core-Cross-Linked Star Polymers: Synthesis and Characterization, Macromolecules 2009, 42, 6457–6462。
- Ran Shen, Xiaoqin Shen, Zengming Zhang, Yuesheng Li, Shiyong Liu, Hewen Liu*, Multifunctional Conjugates To Prepare Nucleolar-Targeting CdS Quantum Dots, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 8627–8634。
- Changlei Xia, Xiangyu Ding, Yan Sun, Hewen Liu,* Yuesheng Li, Hyperbranched-Upon-Dendritic Macromolecules As Unimolecular Hosts for Controlled Release, J. Polym Sci: Part A: Polym. Chem. 2010,48, 4013–4019.
- Ran Shen, Ranglei Xu, and Hewen Liu,* Metal Aromatic-Sulfides: One-Dimensional Semiconductive Nanocrystals, Crystal Growth & Design 2009, 9, 3504–3508。
- Yun Peng, Hewen Liu,* Xingyuan Zhang, Star Polystyrene-b-Hyperbranched Polyglycidol: Synthesis and Ionic Conductivity, J. Polym Sci: Part A: Polym. Chem. 2009, 47, 949–958。
- Xiangyu Ding, Ranglei Xu, Hewen Liu,* Wenfang Shi, Shiyong Liu,Yuesheng Li, Hyperbranched Polymer-Assisted Hydrothermal In situ Synthesis of Submicrometer Silver Tubes Crystal Growth & Design 2008, 8, 2982–2985。
- Yun Peng, Hewen Liu,* Xingyuan Zhang,Yuesheng Li, Shiyong Liu, CNT Templated Regioselective Enzymatic Polymerization of Phenol in Water and Modification of Surface of MWNT Thereby, J. Polym Sci: Part A: Polym. Chem. 2009, 47, 1627–1635。
- Xiaoqin Shen, Hewen Liu,* Yuesheng Li, Shiyong Liu, “Click-Together Azobenzene Dendrons: Synthesis and Characterization”, Macromolecules 2008, 41, 2421-2425。