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男,194011月出生于苏州。1963年毕业于中国科学技术大学 (北京),留校任教至今。历任助教、讲授、副教授,教授。曾任高分子系副主任,现是高分子科学与工程系高分子物理教研室教授、博士生导师。1979-81年赴英国伦敦大学Queen Mary College 材料系作访问学者;1990-94年赴芬兰 Abo Akademi University、荷兰Wageningen Agricultural University和比利时 Antewerp University作访问教授。是国家自然科学基金高分子学科评委、高分子物理与化学国家重点实验室学术委员、中国化学会有序膜专业委员会委员,中国化学会有机固体专业委员会委员,中国金属学会粘接学会理事,化学通报编委、安徽大学、中科院长春应用化学研究所兼职教授,和台湾清华大学客座教授(20052006年)。






科研兴趣广泛,从事包括树脂与玻璃界面的环境破坏热固性树脂和树脂基复合材料的固化过程纳米复合材料聚合物宏观单晶体聚合的LB膜和聚合物的LB由有机LB膜制备无机超薄膜聚合物可能的二维橡胶态用软刻蚀技术制造亚微米、纳米微结构等方面的科学研究,主持八项国家自然科学基金课题(1. 聚双烯类宏观单晶体及其LB膜研究1985-19872. 动态扭振法及其在热固性树脂及树脂基复合材料固化研究中应用1988-19893. LB膜的聚合和聚合的LB1990-19934. 二维聚合反应器─Langmuir膜天平研究聚合反应1997-19995. 聚合物单分子膜的动态弹性和二维橡胶态2000-20026. 软刻蚀技术制造聚合物微结构2002-20047. 聚合物凝聚过程的观模拟20042006; 8. 出版基金《二维状态下的聚合》20052006)。已公开发表学术论文250篇以上。1989年主持召开第三届中日有机固体学术会议(合肥) 1997年主持召开全国高分子学术论文报告会。1986年共同发起成立全国LB膜委员会。2004年主持召开全国高分子物理教学示范课和实验课研讨班



[1]     Cheng Yiyun, Chen Dazhu, Fu Rongqiang, He Pingsheng*, “Behavior of polyamidoamine dendrimers as curing agents in bis-phenol A epoxy resin systems Polymer International, 2005, 54495-499.

[2]     Zou Gang, Zhang Yanze, He Pingsheng*Fabrication and Characterization of Langmuir-Blodgett Films based on rare earth β-Diketonate ComplexesThin Solid Films 2004468268-272.

[3]     Zou Gang, Fang Kun, He Pingsheng*, Lu Weixing, “Self-quenching of a Photo-excited Ruthenium Complex in Component-controllable Mixed Langmuir-Blodgett FilmsThin Solid Films 2004457365-371.

[4]     Zou Gang, Fang Kun, He Pingsheng*Elasticity and molecular rearrangement during polymerization of the mixed monolayer of 10, 12-pentacosadiynoic acid and Ru(dpphen)32+Langmuir, 2003194633-4638.

[5]     He Pingsheng, Zhou HuilinZou GangPolymerization kinetics of 10,12-pentacosadiynoic acid monolayer and possible acceleration effect of visible lightPolymer 2003, 443235- 3241.

[6]     Zou Gang, Fang Kun, He Pingsheng*Preparation and Characterization of Y2O3 -Stabilized ZrO2 Thin Electrolyte Films Made From Langmuir-Blodgett FilmsJournal of Materials Chemistry 2002122998-3002.

[7]     Zou Gang, Fang Kun, Sheng Xia, He Pingsheng* Elasticity of 10,12-pentacosadiynoic acid monolayer and the polymerized monolayer at varying pH and temperaturesLangmuir2002, 186602-6605.

[8]     He PingshengTeaching Study on Polymer Science and EngineeringInternational Journal of Engineering Education, Theory and Practice 2002, 1133-36.

[9]     Zhou Huilin, Yu Shufang, Lu Weixing, He Pingsheng*Polymerization of 10,12-pentacosadiynoate acid monolayer at varying surface pressure and temperatureLangmuir 2000162791-2801.

[10] Lu Weixing, Guo Weihua, Zhou Huilin, He Pingsheng*Novel Phenomena of Mixed Monolayer and LB Films of Ru(dpphen)32+ and Arachidic Acid Langmuir 2000165137-5141.

[11] J. P. K. Peltonen, He Pingsheng, J.B. Rosenholm, The Influence of UV-irradiation on Unsaturated Fatty Acid Monolayers and Multilayer Films: X-ray Diffraction and AFM StudyLangmuir 199392363-2369.

[12] J. P. K. Peltonen, He Pingsheng, J. B. Rosenholm Order and Defects of Langmuir-Blodgett Films Detected with the Atomic Force MicroscopeJournal of American Chemical Society 1992, 1147637-7642.
